I have been an outspoken critic of organized religion for quite some time now. Having been in church leadership, I've seen most everything. What I witnessed today, however, blew me away.
A church filled to the brim with sweaty, irrational, mindless sheep stood cheering as a man was declared a "king". It should also be noted that the song Prepare Ye The Way (Of Our Lord) was being played as the very-married, barely-legal boy-lover was ushered around on his bootleg Office Max throne. The good "Rabbi" Ralph Messer randomly shouted in Hebrew to lend authenticity to this exercise in narcissism. Add spot lights and a choir in the background practically foaming at the mouth and there you have it... a coronation ceremony.
I hope for Eddie Long's sake, that God has a better sense of humor about all this than I do. Eddie looked quite nervous throughout. Maybe he was worried about his henchmen accidentally dropping him all over the stage...maybe he was secretly waiting for a giant lightning bolt to strike him in his giant forehead. I guess we may never know. I do know this much, that whole "I want to be like god" thing...didn't work out so well for Lucifer.
The Bottom Line:
Scandal Schmandal - When life hands you lemons, make yourself King. I believe sheep everywhere should be offended by the comparisons made here today.