Wednesday, April 20, 2016

An Inconvenient Truth

My, how a few months changes everything...

There is no honor, nor nobility, nor any grace in spending months decrying the Democratic Super Delegate process; only to make it a part of your strategy for winning.   This alone proves that Bernie Sanders is as much a typical politician as anyone else currently running for President on either side. 

Wake up people!!!

He is essentially saying that EVEN if Hillary takes the popular vote (that's you - in case you were confused) and the Pledged Delegate count; that his campaign plans on completely disregarding the will of the people (that he CLAIMS he's representing) and try to convince Super Delegates to vote for  him in an effort to usurp Hillary Clinton as the nominee for President.  

So, to all the hardcore Bernie Sanders supporters out there in the can support him if you like -that's your prerogative- but PLEASE stop pretending like your candidate is above all the bullshit.  He not; and neither are you for supporting him.  He does not represent a political revolution.  He represents politics JUST AS IT IS...flawed.  I can respect people for knowingly supporting their candidate despite their shortcomings.  I cannot respect those who choose to pretend like their candidate is vastly better or different or more honorable than any other.  

#hypocrisy #politics #nowthetruthcomesout