As I sit in this rather noisy Starbucks, I am reminded that life is pretty much a soundstage. The noise really never goes away. It simply fluctuates from loud to quiet and every place in between. I've had much noise in the past 6 months or so... job noise, like countless others here in America. I've had health noise, relationship noise, ex-wife noise(sometimes the loudest of all the noise), and noise of every kind you could think of. It's our ability to filter out the noise that sets us apart.
I've made my way from the coffee shop to my stoop. As I sit in the lingering night-time heat, I can't help but wonder... When does the noise start to become music? Could it be that life's "noise" is actually a symphony of information? Think about it. Without my "job noise", I might not be a very grateful person. Without the noise of my ex-wife, I could spend my life surrounding myself with miserable and controlling people. Instead, I've learned what they look like, how they act, and I avoid them like Swine flu. I guess what I'm getting at is that the noise could either be seen as a malignant force or rather a musical compostion that provides us the notes with which to make the best music we can. Yes, maybe in this dog-eat-dog world that seems a little "Pollyanna", but I think I'm going to give it a chance.
Today has been a day of quiet reflection. I've had alot of time to think on the subject of noise and the role it plays in my life. If my venture in positive thinking in relation to noise takes a turn for the worse there is always my ipod...right? :-)
Stay Free!