I am 30,000 feet above the earth, traveling at an astonishing speed. All this speed has led me to ask the question… Is there ever a case where moving fast in a relationship is exactly what you should be doing? I used to think I had the answer to this question nailed to the ground with a mental gravity that not even the most technologically advanced aircraft could conquer. Then, my theory started to falter when I met “him”. Suddenly everything seemed contrary to everything I’d ever learned. Let me explain further.
After spending years dating everyone from parishioners to partiers I found myself most convinced that moving slowly was THE only way to move at all when it came to dating. I had fallen fast and hard for guys who were “serial daters” or men seeking to sustain their youth indefinitely. Then a few weeks ago I came across someone online that I was sure I should not be talking to. He seemed cocky and closed off to anything real. While he was very attractive, I could not get past what I perceived as misguided bravado. I wasn’t even sure why I was chatting with him. Against all my better judgment, we scheduled a time to hang out. That went over like a lead balloon. We tried again… that was like trying to fly that lead balloon while anchored to an aircraft carrier that was in the process of sinking. It all seemed like the worst of lost causes. We made contact again. This time, however, circumstances would only allow us to talk to each other over the phone. We had no way of trying to meet each other. We’d have to settle for talking. A funny thing happened during these conversations which lasted about 6 days. I fell in love. I know…absurd…impossible…stupid…naive… just outright foolish. That’s what I thought at first too.
As we continued to talk, it was apparent that we were both dying to express more than either of us wanted to admit. We “knew” this was too fast. Still, the fact remained; our feelings were growing stronger by the hour. Hours melted away into minutes as we talked about everything from past relationships to hopes for our future.
Now, as I travel at speeds somewhere around 500 miles per hour, I grow so excited to finally meet this man that I can barely contain my school-girl enthusiasm. Against all logic and sound principle I am making a choice to go with what I feel in my heart. I am taking a chance on love again and it feels remarkable. I had almost forgotten that at one time…long ago…I fell in love with a woman in this same manner and we were together for a long time. While that relationship did not last simply because biology would not allow it, the experience was a surreal space of love that I had long forgotten. It’s true. I could be racing toward disaster, but I could also be speeding toward the love of a lifetime. I’ve never felt like this about anyone I’ve never met. I know I am FAR from desperate. I have been focused on myself for quite some time. I’ve done everything a person is supposed to do in order to prepare themselves for love. Who’s to say that this is not exactly what is destined to happen for me? While I cannot say with any certainty that this will work, I sure plan on enjoying the flight.