Monday, September 28, 2009

Dumb & Dumberer

I was reading up today about the Obama Administration initiative to lengthen the school day and the school year. I, for one, think this it is one of the best initiatives to come out of the White House in years! Let me "break it down" for you...

The Ugly Truth:

On average, our kids are just not as bright as those in other parts of the world. Now before you go getting all mad about that statement, remember, I said on average! Asian countries are killing us in Math and Science; two things we desperately need with a planet wasting away before our eyes. Growing up, I can remember a sentiment that Asian people were "just smarter". I think as a society we've just rolled over and accepted mediocrity as the new standard of excellence. We should stop celebrating mediocrity and start striving to learn again. We've replaced books with Nintendo DSi and PlayStation 1, 2, and 3. Think about it... the pool of people who will be qualified to run this country in the future is getting smaller and smaller. In fact, it's quickly becoming a wading pool.

The Advantages:

Besides the obvious higher level of learning, there are many advantages that I see. Fewer kids will be left home alone. This means they are out of danger and out of trouble. Their grades will get better which can only lead to higher self esteem. Encouraging kids to do better is fine, but giving them extra time to actually become better does so much more. With all this extra time spent and higher learning achieved we can trust that we won't have to outsource our survival to other countries. That is exactly what will happen if we don't start catching up on Math and Science immediately.

The Disadvantages:

There are none in my opinion. You hear people all the time moaning and complaining about the extra cost or the fact that family vacations will be altered somehow. You hear about someone being inconvenienced. Are you kidding? The fuss is all about superfluous things. What's a little inconvenience compared to being able to compete and keep up with the rest of the world? What's the extra money spent compared to bringing up children who can actually think for themselves and speak English properly. It's like so much know? Seriously, we need this. We've needed this. I grew up learning about American ingenuity and how we rose to face any challenge. Where is the line between ingenuity and procrastination? It seems as though we are all a little too content to wait for a disaster to show our "American Ingenuity". I believe it's time we applied that spirit before we create a learning disaster.

The End Game:
All political affiliations aside, this initiative makes sense for our children...for our future. Like him or not, Obama is taking on something we need badly. He has kids. He knows the implications. He makes a great point about how the school system is based upon the agrarian economy. The world has evolved. It's time our education system did too. Support our longer school days and longer school years!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stressed and Taking Prisoners

It occurs to me that there are some in this life who find themselves in a constant state of stress. The reasons could be singular or plural and could range from lack of a bowel movement to trying to take on way too many things in life. It really doesn't matter why. What does matter is that some people like to arrest others with their stress and send them strait to jail! Do not pass not collect $200.00. I am not sure I will ever fully understand some people's need to inflict their stress on others. I think it's time they all took a deep breath, a good shit, and prioritize. Stop making prisoners out of the people in life that know how to deal with their stress in a healthy way. Learn to cope outside the prison walls. You will live longer and I'm pretty sure everyone else in your life will breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Stay Free!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire!

In this complicated world we live in sometimes the line between truth and fiction can be greatly blurred. Hell, sometimes people can take that line, dance on it, swing it around, and then bury it in their closet with the rest of their skeletons! Why is it that some people have this insatiable need to make their life into something it's not? Why must they create an imaginary world and expect you to live in it with them? I am all for creating your "own world", but only if it's REAL.

These same people then wonder, with genuine intensity, why others will not buy into their lies...their "knock-off coach bag", if you will. Society is becoming more and more artificial by the day. Is this a road we really want to travel down? Do we really want to live a lie more than we want to live the truth? I, above all, know that the truth is sometimes extremely ugly. Sometimes we are not honest with even ourselves because we don't like how the truth sounds when we say it out loud. I get that. However, I honestly believe the only way to live free is in the light. I do not believe in creating a false existence in which to live. There is no point.

Exhibit A: I offer you "JC"...

This is a man (pictured above) that I believed I would be with forever. I didn't realize that he was a con-artist and the Exalted Supreme Emperor of Falsehood. Ours was a story to be told. Little did I know that story would end up being a work of fiction. There were many dots(also known as red flags) when it came to "JC". It took me a while to connect those dots. Once I did, however, the story began to sour faster than 16 day old milk in an unplugged refrigerator. There were lies about so many things. I couldn't possibly go into all of them here...after all, this is a blog not a novel. My point really is that "JC" not only lied...but created a work of fiction that would rival any Oprah Book Club member...and for what? There is never any reason to lie (except for gift giving and surprise party scenarios). In the end, I dismissed "JC". Why? At the end of the day, I'd always have more questions than answers...because I'd never be able to trust him after the assortment of lies he offered up as reality.

Through this entire "JC" ordeal I learned a couple of things. My instincts are RAZOR SHARP. I knew something was off. I took the time to find the missing link, which happened to be in my nightstand just waiting to be found. I won't go into it here but let's just say in involved a flash-drive. My instincts led me to the truth, as they have time and again with everyone from friends to lovers. I will NOT doubt them again.

The second thing I learned is I want to continue to live my life in the truth. I want to surround myself with truth. The people I allow in my life should be people who value truth and believe in it as much as I do. Life is so very short. We are here for a mere moment and then we are gone. There is no time to live in a web of lies. I've been there before...see Granted, it took me years to realize that I was living my own lie. Once I saw it for what it was I made that change. I stepped into the light and have never looked back.

As I reflect on the hows, the whys, the ifs of my "JC" fiction, I realize everything happens for a reason and though that is one of the cliches I hate the most's the truest one I can think of. After going through all this drama and turning 33 in the process, I have no regrets for what I went through, or for the choices I made. I've learned a great deal about myself and that has more value than any other thing in this world.

Take from this story what you will. There are many valuable lessons within these experiences. As with all my works, I share this with you in the hopes that it will inspire and entertain you. If I can do this for even one person, it's worth it.

Stay Free!

David Ross Jackson

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why the Mexico Rehab Killings Should Matter to You...

I was stunned by the Associated Press report today that gunmen in Juarez Mexico stormed a drug rehab center and executed 17 people on Wednesday. What I found most disturbing is that I believe this event represents a profound shift in the drug conflict. The implications are frightening. La Familia, the major drug cartel in Mexico, has been at war with the state and local government for years. Killing police officers, federal agents, witnesses, citizens,and children who got in the way of their day-to-day operations. Today's killings however, indicate what I believe is a new message. "Don't even THINK about getting off drugs". Think about it. One of the ways Mexico is trying to fight this "war on drugs" is to make rehab available. Fewer Users = Diminished Demand. After the events that unfolded Wednesday, however, many will be scared to get the much needed help that rehabs offer. The cartel has in essence secured the demand for their product by lining up these poor souls against the walls of the rehab center and killing them. It's like a pimp beating the crap out of his "girl" to make sure she doesn't think about trying to leave or get help. It's the same basic idea...only much worse. With over 1,400 people killed in Juarez already this year, we may start to see an increase in these "rehab killings".

I believe everyone in the U.S. should be VERY concerned that this action opens the door for the same such events here at home. Granted, the likelihood of that happening inland is lower but it's not at all impossible. I think rehabs in border states have the most to lose from this new cartel method. Rehab is a powerful tool in the war against drugs but real lives are at risk. I have family in Juarez, a sister-in-law and two young nephews. I worry for them being in the middle of such an earth-shattering climate. I can only hope that one day the U.S. military will not be spread so thin and can start to help Mexico remove the cartel once and for all. I believe a high-level of U.S. involvement is the only way to effectively put an end to the Mexican drug problem which is threatening to spill onto our doorways any moment now.

At the end of the day, we need to make sure that as relatives and friends, we do our part to squeeze La Familia and other drug cartels by making sure our loved ones stay away from drugs. Don't be afraid to talk to your loved ones about drugs. Don't take for granted that "your kid" would never...could never... Don't kid yourself. Drug abuse and addiction happens at every level and social standing. From community and church leaders to suburbia to the ghetto and everywhere in between. Pay attention to the signs and don't take for granted that as of right now...things like the Rehab Killings don't happen here in the states. Execution style murders could be coming to a rehab near you. Stay involved. Stay Free!