I was stunned by the Associated Press report today that gunmen in Juarez Mexico stormed a drug rehab center and executed 17 people on Wednesday. What I found most disturbing is that I believe this event represents a profound shift in the drug conflict. The implications are frightening. La Familia, the major drug cartel in Mexico, has been at war with the state and local government for years. Killing police officers, federal agents, witnesses, citizens,and children who got in the way of their day-to-day operations. Today's killings however, indicate what I believe is a new message. "Don't even THINK about getting off drugs". Think about it. One of the ways Mexico is trying to fight this "war on drugs" is to make rehab available. Fewer Users = Diminished Demand. After the events that unfolded Wednesday, however, many will be scared to get the much needed help that rehabs offer. The cartel has in essence secured the demand for their product by lining up these poor souls against the walls of the rehab center and killing them. It's like a pimp beating the crap out of his "girl" to make sure she doesn't think about trying to leave or get help. It's the same basic idea...only much worse. With over 1,400 people killed in Juarez already this year, we may start to see an increase in these "rehab killings".
I believe everyone in the U.S. should be VERY concerned that this action opens the door for the same such events here at home. Granted, the likelihood of that happening inland is lower but it's not at all impossible. I think rehabs in border states have the most to lose from this new cartel method. Rehab is a powerful tool in the war against drugs but real lives are at risk. I have family in Juarez, a sister-in-law and two young nephews. I worry for them being in the middle of such an earth-shattering climate. I can only hope that one day the U.S. military will not be spread so thin and can start to help Mexico remove the cartel once and for all. I believe a high-level of U.S. involvement is the only way to effectively put an end to the Mexican drug problem which is threatening to spill onto our doorways any moment now.
At the end of the day, we need to make sure that as relatives and friends, we do our part to squeeze La Familia and other drug cartels by making sure our loved ones stay away from drugs. Don't be afraid to talk to your loved ones about drugs. Don't take for granted that "your kid" would never...could never... Don't kid yourself. Drug abuse and addiction happens at every level and social standing. From community and church leaders to suburbia to the ghetto and everywhere in between. Pay attention to the signs and don't take for granted that as of right now...things like the Rehab Killings don't happen here in the states. Execution style murders could be coming to a rehab near you. Stay involved. Stay Free!