Monday, November 23, 2009
The Big Kiss Off
I love how shocked everyone is over this ridiculous "in the moment"(in the moment my ass) American Music Award kiss. Did anyone really expect Adam Lambert to act differently? Be serious. He's been a pair of boobs away from a drag queen for almost a year now! Let's get something out of the way before we go any further.
I do not care for Adam Lambert as a person. I don't think he's the best representative of the gay community. He tries to dismiss the fact that he's a role model but he it or not. I guess that's what people want to see because that's the kind of person we keep putting out there.
That said, I do believe that he has a point about an entertainment double standard. As a society we have far less of a problem watching Madonna, Britney, and Christina share a lesbian moment on an award show. Oh, but let one pseudo famous gay guy decide to kiss his band member and people are crying into their AMA popcorn. Give me a break. In a country where sex between straight people is a multi-billion dollar industry and on-screen romps are commonplace (even in daytime), this should not surprise anyone. Let's not get our underwear in a twist because of a gay kiss. Gays are not going away and in fact are becoming more high profile every day. It's a fact of life. Get over it already. To those who will belly-ache about their children seeing that...quit trying to pretend that your child will never or can never, know, go to school with, date, be friends with, or meet a gay person. Instead, how about you teach your children that some boys and girls are different that way. Then maybe you can skip the whole "shock and awe" routine when your child happens upon a gay moment somewhere.
The Bottom Line:
While I don't really care for Adam Lambert, I am glad he took his little political stand. After a year of states bashing gay marriage, gay rights, and everything else that is "gay", it was nice to see someone just go out and be who they wanted to be...for all the world to see. I believe it was equal parts gimmick and protest. He gets an B for effort though. He also gets an A for that kiss! Wowza!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
GooGoo for Gaga
I have to tell ya... at first I was not sure about Lady Gaga. I thought that maybe she was a gimmick or a one-hit-wonder. I've never seen a Gaga video until I watched her latest one called Bad Romance. I was SO impressed. While the product placement was a bit much in the beginning of the video, I was on board with how absolutely creative she is. This woman does for videos today what MTV used to do for videos way back in the day. I've been saying for months, maybe even years now, that I wished music videos were more creative. It seems all the creative energy has been sucked out of the music industry. Now all you see is slow motion "beauty shots" or stripper rejects hanging all over cars they can never afford. It's like video's have become one big animated Glamor Shot.
Enter Gaga: She has single-handedly breathed new life into video making. She has also raised the bar considerably for these pretenders who want to throw a couple million into CGI special effects and call it a day. Don't get me wrong... I believe special effects can be awesome in a music video, but not when an artist relies on that to make their video special. I don't like these beauty videos either. One of the biggest offenders is Mariah Carey. Yes, I said it. Even though I will ALWAYS love MC, there have been very few videos from her that do anything but accentuate her beauty. Mariah, sweetie, we know you are pretty...let's get creative now! Obsessed was a good start, but still too much beauty. I would LOVE to see Lee Daniels direct your next there's a cool idea!
The Bottom Line: While you may not care for Lady Gaga's music, her OVER-THE-TOP outfits, or her Tampon-ish performances on award shows (MTV VMAs), you can't deny that she is as original as one can be in this day in age. Really nothing is original anymore. It hasn't been since before I was born... but she sure does make her take on things extremely interesting and very cool.
Enter Gaga: She has single-handedly breathed new life into video making. She has also raised the bar considerably for these pretenders who want to throw a couple million into CGI special effects and call it a day. Don't get me wrong... I believe special effects can be awesome in a music video, but not when an artist relies on that to make their video special. I don't like these beauty videos either. One of the biggest offenders is Mariah Carey. Yes, I said it. Even though I will ALWAYS love MC, there have been very few videos from her that do anything but accentuate her beauty. Mariah, sweetie, we know you are pretty...let's get creative now! Obsessed was a good start, but still too much beauty. I would LOVE to see Lee Daniels direct your next there's a cool idea!
The Bottom Line: While you may not care for Lady Gaga's music, her OVER-THE-TOP outfits, or her Tampon-ish performances on award shows (MTV VMAs), you can't deny that she is as original as one can be in this day in age. Really nothing is original anymore. It hasn't been since before I was born... but she sure does make her take on things extremely interesting and very cool.
Long Live Gaga
Monday, November 16, 2009
Oprah, Palin, & Mononucleosis
I just got done watching Sarah Palin on Oprah. Listening to her gave me Mono! Why won't Sarah Palin just answer a damn question directly? I don't understand why this woman refuses to say YES or NO. She had the perfect opportunity to undo or reduce her poor image with the opposition and she only made it worse. Maybe she just confirmed what the nay-sayers have said all along.
I won't deny, there is something appealing about Palin's personality. Did she ever need to be in politics? I'm thinking no. Did she ever need to be on a Presidential ticket as the Vice Presidential candidate? No...certainly not! Is there a forum for her in the public eye? I think so. Those who know me well understand that last statement is a huge departure from how I've felt in the past. I just wanted her to go away. I do believe that she represents a good portion of the people in this country. I don't believe she will ever be respected by those with opposing views until she stops playing cat and mouse with the media. One day she's the cat and one day she's the mouse. Until she learns to simply ANSWER THE QUESTION, she will not be taken seriously. She spent an hour on what many would consider the world's most influential television show very nearly refusing to give direct answers and trying to be portrayed in an intelligent light. All she really managed to do was make herself look even worse by not being up front with those watching.
I have an idea. If Sarah Palin is going to make a career out of not answering questions directly or dancing around subjects, maybe she should stop going on TV for interviews. She should stop wasting everyone's time. She should go back to being a mom. What's even more amusing is that there are still people trying to refute valid criticism of this Palin interview. Someone told me told me today, "if you don't want to see Sarah Palin turn the channel...It's not rocket science". To that I say, if Sarah Palin wishes to remain in the public eye and put herself in a public forum in an attempt to "tell her story", then she, along with everyone else, should be ready for those who will call bullshit when they see it. It's THAT simple.
Bottom Line: Sarah Palin would have you believe that what you see is what you get...and all those other warm and endearing clichés. The real truth is that what you see is what Sarah Palin wants you to see...nothing more. So, to Sarah Palin I say this... Show us something different. Show us that you can answer questions directly. Show us that you can "talk straight" with us, rather than acting like the politicians you moan about. Stop pretending that you are just a "good ole girl" and own up to the fact that you are NO different than any other politician in the game today. You are a person with a plan, an agenda, just like the rest of those in power and on their way to power. You are not the brightest individual in that group either, so it's time you put up or shut up Maverick.
You betcha!
I won't deny, there is something appealing about Palin's personality. Did she ever need to be in politics? I'm thinking no. Did she ever need to be on a Presidential ticket as the Vice Presidential candidate? No...certainly not! Is there a forum for her in the public eye? I think so. Those who know me well understand that last statement is a huge departure from how I've felt in the past. I just wanted her to go away. I do believe that she represents a good portion of the people in this country. I don't believe she will ever be respected by those with opposing views until she stops playing cat and mouse with the media. One day she's the cat and one day she's the mouse. Until she learns to simply ANSWER THE QUESTION, she will not be taken seriously. She spent an hour on what many would consider the world's most influential television show very nearly refusing to give direct answers and trying to be portrayed in an intelligent light. All she really managed to do was make herself look even worse by not being up front with those watching.
I have an idea. If Sarah Palin is going to make a career out of not answering questions directly or dancing around subjects, maybe she should stop going on TV for interviews. She should stop wasting everyone's time. She should go back to being a mom. What's even more amusing is that there are still people trying to refute valid criticism of this Palin interview. Someone told me told me today, "if you don't want to see Sarah Palin turn the channel...It's not rocket science". To that I say, if Sarah Palin wishes to remain in the public eye and put herself in a public forum in an attempt to "tell her story", then she, along with everyone else, should be ready for those who will call bullshit when they see it. It's THAT simple.
Bottom Line: Sarah Palin would have you believe that what you see is what you get...and all those other warm and endearing clichés. The real truth is that what you see is what Sarah Palin wants you to see...nothing more. So, to Sarah Palin I say this... Show us something different. Show us that you can answer questions directly. Show us that you can "talk straight" with us, rather than acting like the politicians you moan about. Stop pretending that you are just a "good ole girl" and own up to the fact that you are NO different than any other politician in the game today. You are a person with a plan, an agenda, just like the rest of those in power and on their way to power. You are not the brightest individual in that group either, so it's time you put up or shut up Maverick.
You betcha!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Verizon Wireless: What Recession?
I am pretty sure the folks over at Verizon Wireless are smoking some of the best "recession pot" around. That can be THE only explanation for their gluttonous pricing plans for the new Motorola Droid. I have to admit. I was very interested in breaking with my current phone carrier just to have this phone. That was the case until I started digging a little deeper. What I found was just appalling! Trust me...there is more to that god-awful Gothic sound they have on the Droid website It sounds like music from the Saw VI movie and for good reason!
The Break Down:
$99.00/mo - 450 Minutes (Seriously?)
$119.99/mo - 900 Minutes
$129.99/mo - 1350 Minutes
$149.99/mo - Unlimited
$699.99/mo - Unlimited and you get to be the CEO for 5minutes.
This doesn't sound too bad considering how AT&T and Apple are sticking it to iPhone users. But Wait!!! There's more!!!
$35.00 - Activation Fee (A.K.A. The fee we just throw in to add insult to injury fee)
It get's better...
The phone price:
$599.99 - Month To Month
$269.99 - One Year Contract
$199.99 - Two Year Contract
If you call in the next 60 seconds...
$1.39/mo - Extended Warranty
$1.99/mo - Basic Crappy Insurance
$7.99/mo - Insurance That Will Actually Help Insurance
As a special bonus...
$2.99/mo - Visual Voice Mail
$39.00 - Just for the battery! What phone doesn't come with a battery?
$4.99 - For the battery door!!!???
The Bottom Line...
I would have to pay nearly $300 just to purchase and activate this Recession Nightmare. After all that, I'd be paying almost $200 a month just for the privilege of owning and operating the Motorola Droid. Sure, the Droid, by all accounts is an incredible phone, but do I really want to pay what will amount to around FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS for it over the term of a two year contract?????? There is no recession according to Verizon. The Droid by Motorola is a gorgeous phone, but it will cost you as much as an upscale hooker and probably leave you with as much regret.
Verizon: Fail
Motorola: Fail
Monthly Charges: Fail
Start Up Charges: Fail
Realistic Recession Option: Fail
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fear, Love, & Freedom - January 27, 2003

I stare into the face of evil
Tempting fate to snare my foot
I long to love and run to its call
But love cried wolf
Now I fear for my life
Hoping that darkness doesn’t catch me this time
I asked God to spare me this fate
I get no immediate answer
So now I deny myself for a time
Waiting to hear
This is a lonely vacuum
Empty, without conscience
Silence has bronzed
It is the constant sound now
I wait for answers
For love I wait
My heart cries aloud
Fear mocks my heart
Love pities my fear
Fear slows my love
Oh Heavens, help me
Reach down to save me from this fall
Deliver my love to a place of refuge
Nurse it back to health
Then set it free once again
~ By David Jackson
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