I just got done watching Sarah Palin on Oprah. Listening to her gave me Mono! Why won't Sarah Palin just answer a damn question directly? I don't understand why this woman refuses to say YES or NO. She had the perfect opportunity to undo or reduce her poor image with the opposition and she only made it worse. Maybe she just confirmed what the nay-sayers have said all along.
I won't deny, there is something appealing about Palin's personality. Did she ever need to be in politics? I'm thinking no. Did she ever need to be on a Presidential ticket as the Vice Presidential candidate? No...certainly not! Is there a forum for her in the public eye? I think so. Those who know me well understand that last statement is a huge departure from how I've felt in the past. I just wanted her to go away. I do believe that she represents a good portion of the people in this country. I don't believe she will ever be respected by those with opposing views until she stops playing cat and mouse with the media. One day she's the cat and one day she's the mouse. Until she learns to simply ANSWER THE QUESTION, she will not be taken seriously. She spent an hour on what many would consider the world's most influential television show very nearly refusing to give direct answers and trying to be portrayed in an intelligent light. All she really managed to do was make herself look even worse by not being up front with those watching.
I have an idea. If Sarah Palin is going to make a career out of not answering questions directly or dancing around subjects, maybe she should stop going on TV for interviews. She should stop wasting everyone's time. She should go back to being a mom. What's even more amusing is that there are still people trying to refute valid criticism of this Palin interview. Someone told me told me today, "if you don't want to see Sarah Palin turn the channel...It's not rocket science". To that I say, if Sarah Palin wishes to remain in the public eye and put herself in a public forum in an attempt to "tell her story", then she, along with everyone else, should be ready for those who will call bullshit when they see it. It's THAT simple.
Bottom Line: Sarah Palin would have you believe that what you see is what you get...and all those other warm and endearing clichés. The real truth is that what you see is what Sarah Palin wants you to see...nothing more. So, to Sarah Palin I say this... Show us something different. Show us that you can answer questions directly. Show us that you can "talk straight" with us, rather than acting like the politicians you moan about. Stop pretending that you are just a "good ole girl" and own up to the fact that you are NO different than any other politician in the game today. You are a person with a plan, an agenda, just like the rest of those in power and on their way to power. You are not the brightest individual in that group either, so it's time you put up or shut up Maverick.
You betcha!