Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger's Wood

Am I the only one who is not surprised by the Tiger Woods drama?  I don't know why everyone is SO shocked by his recent indiscretion or family "let-down".  In a country where you have better odds of surviving certain types of cancer than surviving a marriage, why should anyone really be shocked?

I think it would have been more shocking to realize he had been driving drunk.  While the story is not nearly as interesting as the vague statements continually released by Tiger, this goes to show you that nobody is perfect.  Maybe this is so shocking for some because of the pedestal these celebrities are placed on.  I've said for a long time that celebrity adoration is out of control.  We live in a media-obsessed world where there are very few laws to protect against the paparazzi over-drive we seem to be in the middle of.  I think it's time we all just take a giant step back from all things celebrity.

Tiger is a man.  He's a man who has women (and some men I'm sure) all over the world throwing themselves at him at every turn so they can be the next ex Mrs. Tiger Woods.  He's a man who lives in an American culture of disposable relationships, limitless power, unending influence, and staggering greed.  The American universe conspires against him.

The Bottom Line:
We live in a place where we always want what we can't have.  Like children, we want someone else's toy.  It doesn't change just because someone is in the media spotlight.  In fact, it may be worse at the "top" of the world.    Let Tiger and his family work out their issues.  The world will still be turning tomorrow and he will get back to golf soon enough.