These are just a few of the titles that accurately describe Rush Limbaugh.
After listening to today's quote about Governor Paterson being a "Massa", I was furious. Click Here To Listen This was a blatant reference to the Governor being a "Master" in one who owns slaves... as in "yes massa".
It's time we all wake up and realize that Rush Limbaugh does NOT care about America. His only concern is perpetuating hateful rhetoric and ensuring that his own personal economy remains substantial. Click Here To See His Forbes Ranking In 2007, Don Imus made racist remarks on his show. He was subsequently fired after sponsors, employees, colleagues, and listeners made it clear they would not tolerate this kind of on-air behavior. One can scream about free speech but this speech is anything but free. It's being paid for by OUR patronage on a daily basis.
The Bottom Line: While I firmly believe in freedom of speech, do it on your own dime! It is reprehensible that sponsor companies continue to line Rush Limbaugh's pockets with cash. Take a look at his sponsor list. If you find Rush Limbaugh's methods and statements offensive... If you think he should bankroll his show using his own money... Make sure you boycott the following companies:
Parent Company: Expedia
Parent Company: General Motors
Parent Company: American Securities...which is also the Parent Company of: Potbelly Sandwich Works (Sorry Guys)