I work from home daily. I am a lucky man indeed. More often than not, you can find me doing my best Flipper imitation at the pool on my lunch hour. While swimming around yesterday, I noticed a bee stranded in the water. It was floating on the surface but I could tell the jig was almost up! He was trying desperately to get out of the water. He was not having any luck. Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to put this stinging creature out of it's misery. On this day, however, my curiosity got the best of me. I decided to save the bee and observe his behavior once I got him back to dry land. I know...I'm strange.
I watched him for what must have been a good fifteen minutes. I even managed to get a picture(see above). He worked furiously to wipe away all the water from his body. He took his time. He worked very hard. He was thorough. He was persistent. Lastly, he shook off what was left of the water and hit the open skies.
The Bottom Line:
Even when life seems to be drowning you, accept a helping hand. Work hard. Bee thorough. Bee persistent. Bee patient. Shake off what's drowning you and realize that the sky really is the limit!