It’s Labor Day and I find myself speeding toward California on an American Airlines flight with age and personal relationships on my mind. I turn 35 years old tomorrow. Five years ago, I didn't really have the normal “OMG I’m 30!” moment. I guess I’m late with that. I’m not really freaking out about getting old. For one thing, I've been blessed with some of the best genes around so I don’t look 35. I’m regularly guessed to be in my mid to late 20’s. I’m hoping that remains the case...for a little while longer anyhow. J
I guess the thing that strikes me most about this age is all of the people that have come and gone from my life...friends…family…acquaintances…and the like. I’m traveling to visit a friend that I haven’t seen in about 8 years. There was a time I thought I may never see him again. Thanks to Facebook, we reconnected and are now going to spend the next seven days acting like damn fools. I can’t wait.
I have mixed feelings about the relationships I’ve had over my lifetime. I’ve lost people I loved to both death and ego. Friends have abandoned me in the name of God. Boyfriends and lovers have vanished into what seemed like thin air. Even with all of the great loss I’ve suffered, it is those relationships which have stood the test of time that shine the brightest. In spite of great distance, time, or tribulation, there are those few relationships which have held strong.
The other thing that occurs to me is how labor-intensive relationships are. They are hard work. They require vast amounts of effort and sacrifice. The hard work is well worth the reward. In fact, I think that relationships that come too easily are ones that could very well be taken for granted. After all, anything worth having is also worth working for. Looking ahead to the next 35 years, I plan on letting the people in my life know exactly how much they mean to me. Life is far too short to spend it keeping such valuable information to myself.
The Bottom Line:
Make the most of your relationships and your relationships will make the most of you.