What if the life you've always wanted was just one decision away? What if you did even one thing every single day that took you down your dream path? What would that look like? What would happen if you stopped dreaming and started doing? These are all questions I've been asking myself recently. I finally figured out that the answer is: Stop asking! There is nothing more cliche or more true than the Nike slogan "Just Do It". In an effort to avoid trivializing life's many hardships, I will admit that this is harder said than done. The point is, however, that it can be done!
I know that I've spent way to much of the last 10 years dreaming about how I want my life to be. That equals about 10 years that I've wasted not making it happen. I've allowed circumstances and people to dictate the quality of my life. I've forgotten that my dreams require action in order to come true. As Kelly Clarkson put it, I've been "breaking my own heart". You should never stop dreaming; but dreaming alone will never create the reality. If you truly want something in life...go for it. Do something...anything...to move you in that direction every single day. One day you will wake up, look around, and realize... I'm where I want to be!
The Bottom Line:
Give the "seeds" that are your dreams the "water" of your actions. Warm yourself in the "light" of inspiration and witness the growth!