With the exit of Arlen Specter from the burning wreckage that is the Republican Party, it is clear that the GOP is in full disarray. Will this be the wake-up call the party needs to be able to snap out of it?
The GOP has to course-correct now if they want any chance of being relevant in the future. Meanwhile, Michael Steele is proving just how much of a liability he is. His juvenile response to Arlen Specter's exit proves that he just doesn't get it. Party leadership has spent so much time trying to derail Democrats that they forgot to take care of those already in the Republican Party. That whole scenario, in fact, speaks volumes about the issues in the GOP. They have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot at every turn.
I am sure there will be the usual response from the suspect "head-in-the-sand" individuals who insist there is nothing wrong with anyone but Democrats. Moreover, there will be some Republicans who will quickly forget all that Arlen Specter has done to advance the cause of the party since 1966 and dismiss him as a traitor or political survivalist. The GOP Monster has already begun painting one of their most senior statesman as nothing more than someone trying to win an election.
Republicans everywhere should be treating this with somber reflection. This was a completely avoidable situation. This was yet another result of the Republican Machine trying to force a tired and played out agenda rather than acknowledging that times have changed and a new way forward is in order.
For those of you who “get it”, please join me in welcoming our new Democratic Senator, Mr. Arlen Specter.