I've had it! I've absolutely had it! With what you ask? I’ve had it with all the people in this country who didn't vote for Obama that refuse to “get over it”. This is quickly becoming the United States of Bitter. I have the misfortune of being in close proximity to one of these people on a daily basis and I cannot hold my “pen” any longer. Maybe the bitter ones should get there head out of Fox News' ass long enough to come to terms with the fact that Obama is the President and that is NOT going to change anytime soon. The endless bitching and belly-aching about everything from the Stimulus Bill (which DEMs and REPs alike authored and passed into law) to Obama bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia is just counterproductive. I for one don't give a flying heap of dog doo if Obama were to lick the toes of a monarch. Granted, feet aren't exactly my "thing". That's why these naysayers can't do anything substantial for this country…they’d rather moan about insignificant mess than actually contribute.
I guess the reason I am so passionate is that I find it offensive that many who didn't vote for Obama now seem to think it's their right as Americans to not support the President. I'm not asking that everyone agree with each other but the time has come to put all the “sore loser” mentality aside and grow up. Bitching about every single thing, big or small, is not helping anyone. Quite frankly it’s not very "grown-up".
So the moral of this story is put your effort and support where your mouth is and Quit Yer Bitchin!
Stay Free!