Today across America predominantly Republican throngs will gather to protest government taxation and the "Bailouts". At least that's what they would have you believe. Leave it to the Re-publican party to, once again, recycle old ideas and try to make them seem fresh and relevant. As I sat here reading through the different web items regarding this, I realized how appropriate the first two letters of the word Republican really are. There is a definition of Re found in the dictionary and it applies to the Republican Party like no other word...
a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” or “backward” to indicate withdrawal or backward motion
I take this angle because I find it odd that the GOP has taken the Boston Tea Party meaning and REfurbished it as a way to give their party a "new face". I'm all for going "green" and recycling things but this is ridiculous. The original Boston Tea Party was a protest against British rule as well as taxation by that Kingdom that offered no representation. Today's bailout-heavy legislation is no comparison. While I understand the sentiment of protesting against more taxes and the bailouts, I do not understand why the GOP cannot come up with their own NEW approach at getting their point across.
Below, are some of the more notable recycled ideas...that have NOT worked.
First it was Sarah Palin, the GOP's answer to Hillary Clinton.
Then it was Michael Steele, the GOP's answer to being African American and Political???
Now, It's this Tax Day TEA Party, the GOP's answer to REinvention.
The problem I see here is that the REpublican Party hasn't even taken a full day off to figure out who they are, who they want to be, where they are going, and how on earth they plan on getting there. It's like we are watching the early stages of a marketing firm's attempts at an ad campaign. We are witness to every bad idea that is being thrown out there instead of seeing the final product.
Mark my words...today's TEA Party gimmick will come and go and the GOP will be no closer to understanding who they are as a party or which direction they should be traveling.
Stay Free!