Note: I was asked to write about the topic of legalizing marijuana. After much research on the topic and speaking with several people who use marijuana on a regular basis, I present the following piece. Additionally, I am FOR the legalization and regulation of marijuana for both medical and recreational uses.
There are several things to consider. They are as follows:
Social Acceptance:
It’s apparent to me that there are millions of people around the world that are regular users of marijuana. Now, whether or not they will admit that openly is a whole other story. There are, in my best guess, millions more that have used the "drug" in the past. From all indications society is split on their views of using pot. There seem to be agendas on both sides of the debate. Of course, from the Christian conservative base comes much rhetoric about using pot. While they will turn a blind eye to smoking cigarettes, as long as you don't do it during the sermon, they are quick to campaign against other things they have not come to terms with. Taking that into consideration, one really can't do anything unless the church says it’s OK. Anyone who smokes weed is going to hell anyway, so why bother worrying about what they think?
Political / Economic Considerations:
There is a growing voice in the political world to legalize and/or decriminalize the use of marijuana. You might find it surprising to know that in 2008 a measure to remove most federal penalties for possession was presented by Rep. Barney Frank (DEM) and Rep. Ronald Paul (REP). There are other bi-partisan measures that have been offered up as well. So this has bi-partisan support that is real. I offer the following link for more information on this: http://www.mjlegal.org/legislation.html
Economically speaking we would free up billions of dollars in state and federal funds related to marijuana related arrests and court proceedings. The boost to the economy would be swift and considerable. If you add federal or state regulation to the equation there would be room for taxation which would also be an aide to the economy. As it stands now, the billions of dollars spent on the purchase of weed each year is money that is completely slipping through the government’s fingers.
Historically speaking, prohibition has never worked and has actually contributed to Black Market violence and crime. If we bring the use of pot out in the light of day it will take away the need for the Black Market and save lives.
Medical Concerns:
Everything I have found on the subject seems to be very one-sided regardless of which side you stand on. There are very limited studies that have been done to support the government's War on Drugs. It seems to me that most "evidence" is inconclusive at best. There have been some studies on the effect of weed on the brain. The most serious side effects seem to be related to memory loss.
There is a large movement of medical professionals and doctors that stand behind the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Doctors have been able to prove that pot has the capacity to reduce nausea and increase appetite which is helpful for Cancer and AIDS patients.
Then, there is the "gateway drug" argument by activist groups and others. I, for one, do not believe this applies to even the majority of people on the planet earth. I believe people become addicted to drugs based upon their predisposition to addictive behavior and other outside factors and influences such as mental health and social support systems.
Cutting to the Chase:
Let's get real here for a moment. There are literally hundreds of millions of people in this world who either have used or currently use pot. They are functioning members of society. Weed has been around since man stepped out of the cave, looked around, and said "this isn't so bad". Perhaps, rather, since Adam and Eve took the first "bite out of crime"...whichever ideal you happen to subscribe to. Either way the use of pot is not going away. Just like alcohol and tobacco before it, it's here to stay. I believe legalization and regulation would purify the product, reduce related crime, and prove to be a giant economic boost. We've done it the “War on Drugs” way and it's not working. Legalization just makes sense.
Stay Free!