1. Sarah Palin Memoir
This should be akin to an issue of Highlights Magazine. Remember: What's Wrong With This Picture?
That is actually a valid question given the circumstances.
2. Donald Trump
Ok most of us managed to get over the hair. What I can't get over is that he makes all final decisions about who gets to keep their crown. Seriously? Why on earth would you have a Miss USA committee? What's the point of having a ruling body if you are going to usurp their process every time? I think the Donald wants to stay on good terms with these risqué beauty queens. After all, he will need a new wife soon. It's about time to trade in for a newer model.
3. Hardly any headlines about Octo-Mom...SHHHH!!!
Enough said. No really...enough said.
4. Nancy Pelosi
What a tangled web we weave when once we practice to tell 41 different versions of the “truth” and then get confused about which one we are saying to certain people…then just give up and claim ignorance…then say we were mislead. Can we impeach her already??? Is that even possible? I sure hope so.
5. Yet another Palin - Bristol
Now she is the national authority on teen pregnancy? Really? Hmm let's take inventory here. Mom is probably THE most famous or infamous Governor in the US now with an ever expanding source of income and means. There are about 40 other people she lives with to help her raise baby. Now that she gave birth she is hanging out with celebrities at star studded charity functions while trying pass as a struggling teen mom. I don't think so. Let's “cut” to the inner city (where teen pregnancy is an issue) and see a teen that gets pregnant while living at her single mother's cramped apartment which is located at the corner of Poverty Lane and Unemployment Avenue. Now THAT is something to scare the kids straight.
6. People calling 911
Can we distribute a flyer or something RE-explaining what 911 is actually for? Apparently some people think it's for complaints about their fast food order, while others use it to report their children not cleaning their room. Oh and then there was the call to 911 about a drug deal gone wrong! Calling Dr. Phil!!!!!
7. Swine Flu Hysteria
First it was THE worst thing in the history of "things". Then it was kill all the pigs. Then it was close all the schools! Then it was H1N1 which everyone ignored and continued calling it the Swine Flu. Then it was “not as bad as we thought”. Now 10,000 people have it. Can we all just wash our hands, stop picking our noses, and stop letting our kids lick each other in the face? Did anyone else see the Mexican "health dept. guy" handing out masks on the national evening news...with his mask only on his mouth but not his nose? Pull the mask up man... Levanta la máscara, hombre!! Problem solved.
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