All personal views on "marriage" aside, I was astonished at the behavior of Brenda Lee, the "reporter" from Macon Georgia yesterday. The last time I checked, trying to take a "personal stand" while on the clock as a reporter is not in any way professional or acceptable. Beyond that, the members of the press who are allowed that close to a President are warned about protocol ahead of time. Brenda Lee was out of line and over the top in her protests near Air Force One. After all the anthrax letter scares and things of that nature, anyone in their right mind should be well aware that you don't try to hand the President of the United States a letter outside of standard procedures. She should also know better than to act like a damn fool when asked to leave by the Secret Service. You just don't do that. Now she wants to complain about how she was removed but left the people who are responsible for protecting the President no other choice short of tasering her. She states that she was worried about people seeing under her clothes. I say to that: Don't lie down on the ground while wearing a dress! I think maybe it's time Brenda Lee re-thinks her career path as she is obviously not willing to report on a story from a objective and professional place. If Brenda Lee wants to speak out about “traditional marriage” she can do it on her own time by taking part in an organized protest, blogging, or sending her letter through the proper channels. If she wants to be a reporter she should learn to check her religious views at the door and start behaving like a rational adult rather than a two year old. I, for one, do not believe she is a legitimate reporter at all. After reading her rather juvenile attempt at writing at http://www.gainformer.com/Files/thebirdseyeview.htm , I am not convinced. I also read the letter which she was trying to deliver to the President which reeks of ignorance and prejudice. You can find that letter at http://www.gainformer.com/Files/god%20verses%20men.htm I think the questions should be: How on earth did this “priestess” get within 3 states of the President? Why was she ever allowed that kind of access in the first place? She amounts to a third-rate opinion blogger on her best day. Maybe the U.S. Press Relations Office should revise their procedures for granting access to media events.
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