Monday, June 29, 2009
Gay Texans Cry Foul Play in Police Raid
Ft. Worth Texas - June 28, 2009
On the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in NYC, one of the most devastating gay civil rights violations in American history, Ft. Worth Police along with the TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverages Commission) raided several Ft. Worth gay bars on Sunday night. Several people were zip-tied inside the clubs. Approximately 7 people were taken outside the clubs then arrested for public intoxication. One person has been hospitalized with a brain injury sustained in what amounts to a "statement" raid. There are several eye witness reports that excessive force was used in each location.
Let me get my first point out of the way now. I think this business of the police taking people out of a BAR only to charge them with public intoxication is asinine! If they are going to do that then they might as well arrest people on their way to a cab from the bar. A police officer goes into a bar...removes a person who has been drinking so that they can make an arrest. This is one of the most ridiculous practices I've ever heard of. Something has to be done about this. It's a technicality used by the police in very suspect situations and it has to stop.
I find it disturbing that the police department has issued no formal statement on why this raid occurred. Since the TABC was involved I would expect that maybe a liquor license was revoked, but that didn’t happen. I would also assume that maybe it was to remove minor individuals from the bar. Nope, not that either. Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead promised an investigation. My questions for him are...How could you NOT know this was happening? You are the Police Chief right? Who picked this foolish “anniversary” date for a raid on a gay bar? What was the point of this raid?
The police statements that a few patrons made "sexually explicit movements toward another officer" are hard to believe at best. What the hell does that statement even mean?
The eyes of the world will now be on the Ft. Worth Police Department as well as the City. They had better step up to the plate and do the right thing. It would be wise on their part to understand that they will not be able explain certain things away. A man now has a brain injury because of this clumsy and ill-advised moment. This entire venture was like a PowerPoint presentation... with no power and no point.
Stay Free!
For more about the Stonewall Rebellion visit:
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson - My Brother
As a child I recall listening to Michael Jackson and feeling a connection to the singer because we share the same last name. I used to pretend that he was my older brother. In fact almost everyone I ever ran across as a kid would ask me, "Are you related to Michael Jackson?” I will never forget that. On some level people have never stopped with that joke, even as an adult. It's funny how some things just stick.
My young mind was full of imagination when it came to music and I soaked in everything Michael did. While attending a private school where "penny loafers" were mandatory, I would put on my brightest white socks and the jet black loafers and dance on the tiled kitchen floor. My mom would just roll her eyes and giggle and what must have been my silly "knock-off" moon-walk. I never did learn how to do that correctly.
I think back to my very favorite song by Michael. It had to be, with out a doubt, "Black or White". Being of Scottish, African-American, and Cherokee descent, this was the song that helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. As I watched the music video with the different people of all races morph, one into another, I felt like I could be or do anything in life. When I heard that song it made me believe that my race didn't matter.
Fast forward to the present day... my karaoke staple is the song "I'll Be There". No matter how many new songs make their way to the top of the karaoke to-do list, that song is always a favorite.
Michael Jackson's legacy for me will always be how he wanted to inspire people to dream, to dance, to sing. Michael's music has shaped my life and made me feel at home. Though his life had shades of tragedy and failure, I still learned one very important thing: No matter what happens in my matter what I go through, I can still do great things.
He will always be my pretend brother.
From one Jackson to another...Thank you.
Your "brother",
David Jackson
Stay Free!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Dell, Yours is Here...Sort of...
As a writer I am rarely at a loss for words. After my ordeal with Dell, I found my self temporarily rendered incapable of expressing myself.
I googled "Dell horror stories" before I purchased my laptop. I wanted to see both sides of the Dell experience. After much reading, I rationalized that these were isolated events and that this certainly shouldn't be "par for the course". I'm glad I didn't have any money riding on that sentiment. I'd have lost everything!
Let me give you the breakdown:
May 30 - Ordered my Dell laptop
June 17- Received my Dell laptop after delivery delay
June 17 - Digital TV Tuner Card does not work
June 17 - Called Dell Tech Support 1.5hrs
June 17 - Referred to Dell OnCall for a $150 fee / NO!
June 18 - Online Dell Chat / tuner still not working 1hr
June 18 - New TV card sent over-night
June 18 - Laptop LCD screen goes out
June 18 - More Online Dell Chat 1hr
June 18 - Dell sends new screen to local technician
June 19 - New TV card arrives / does not work
June 22 - Tech shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs
June 22 - Dell states there IS no other kind of screen
June 23 - Automated Dell call stating screen shipped
June 24 - Tech 2 shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs
June 24 - Transferred 6 times to 3 departments
June 25 - Calls to Dell Media Relations not immediately returned
After explaining my preposterous ordeal to a "customer service manager" with Dell, I was offered $80.00 as compensation and they would send a THIRD technician and a THIRD screen to my home to see if they could get this BRAND NEW laptop working. My other option was to do an exchange which would take 10 business days to complete and NO compensation at all. They basically offered me 4.5% compensation for this monumental waste of my time. I proposed 4.5% compensation and the exchange or 11.5% compensation with repair. That was apparently too much to ask for all the terrible technical and customer service I received. Not to mention the "crap in a box" they shipped to me. The Dell representative stated that they would rather not have the 88.5% on the sale with a chance to retain a repeat customer and instead just give me a full refund. A company who would cash in 88.5% and customer retention for 0% sounds like a company on the Bullet Train to extinction. That's just BAD business all around. So, with that, I set up my laptop for a complete refund. I'd rather let piranhas feast on my eyeballs than to put up with Dell Customer Service.
I basically received the laptop equivalent of a whoopi cushion. This whole experience feels like a practical joke! The joke was certainly on me.
I invite you to comment with your Dell customer experiences as well. I plan on sending this information to Dell Media Relations. Perhaps if enough attention is gained we can affect real change.
As always, I am happy to update this story should Dell care to respond with a resolution or additional relevant information.
Stay Free!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sen. Black - FIRE YOUR AIDE!
I will try to keep this short and sweet.
I send out a disparaging email about my company's CEO to other employees of my company, using company email and computers. I also do this on company time.
I can't say that I am shocked by the racist email that was sent out by legislative aide Sherri Goforth, but I am incensed by Senator Black's resolution. Stellar career or not, this Sherri Goforth should be fired. It's one thing to be Jane Doe having your right to free speech and opinion. It's something completely different when you, in essence, send out a racist email about your "CEO".
Senator Black further insults general intelligence by stating "It absolutely does not represent the beliefs or opinions of my office". Really? Doesn't this woman work in her office? Isn't the Senator choosing to look the other way when she should be decisively relieving this woman of her duties?
If Sherri Goforth cannot find a place of basic respect for the Office of the President of the United States then she shouldn't be working in a government office.
In my opinion, until Sen. Black takes definitive action and fires Sherri Goforth, she should have sent the email herself.
Stay Free!
Mariah Carey - Obsessed
June 16 2009 -
Mariah Carey will debut her new single entitled “Obsessed” from her forthcoming album – Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, due out August 25th. The single will air today on Chicago’s B96 radio station at approximately 3pm(cst). Visit for more info.
Mariah has described this as the perfect summer song. She will attempt to pass the Beatles as the artist with the most number 1 hits ever on the Billboard Music charts! She rests in second place with 18, having passed Elvis Presley on her last album release - E=MC2. Mariah will need 3 more number one hits to surpass the Beatles.
There is much buzz surrounding this new single and the album in general. It is rumored to be Mariah Carey's last studio album. Only time will tell.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What's Good for the Goose...
After reading about the 4 Uighurs from China who have been at the Guantanamo detention center for the last 7 years, I was left confused.
Here are some of the questions that I could not answer to save my life:
Why did the world’s most powerful government with nearly limitless resources only determine after SEVEN years that these four men were not a threat to the U.S. and innocent of any crime?
If we (the U.S.) put them in detention, why were we now trying to pawn them off on every other country but our own?
In the interest and spirit of "transparency", why are secret deals being brokered with tiny island governments to take in these former prisoners?
Why not make public our efforts to give these people a normal life again?
Doesn't the world need to see that we are capable of owning up to our mistakes and making things right?
All I've heard about the closing of these types of detention centers is that we are closing them because they are wrong and a symbol of poor U.S. foreign policy and oppression. Now we are trying to piece their lives together secretly. Don't say it's for their safety. If that were the case we'd never know where they went. If the U.S. is footing the bill for their resettlement, I'd like to know the details. I'd like to know how my taxes are being spent for this. Don't get me wrong, I feel badly for those poor souls who have spent seven years locked away and labeled terrorists only to have the U.S. basically say "just kidding". We'd pay restitution for someone cleared by DNA evidence and released from prison after being wrongly convicted. I think it’s fair to help them. I believe it’s our responsibility.
I, for one, do not understand why we are placing them on tiny islands and not here in the U.S... If they are cleared of wrong-doing then what is the problem? In this country's vast Muslim population they could probably find some true anonymity. I don't see how they will ever have that being on an island with 500+ Muslims out of about 68,000 people.
This whole scenario leaves me with more questions than answers. I'd like real transparency. I want to know how we are making things right for these four and the others who have been cleared as well.
If these four people can be plucked from their countries, held without trials or charges, labeled enemy combatants or terrorists, then dropped on a remote island somewhere to fade into history; the same could happen to us.
Think about it for a minute...
Is that really so far fetched?
While the following quote was originally a reference to the sexes being treated equally, I think it has a deeper relevance for all…
“What's good for the goose is good for the gander”
Stay Free!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wright: Just WRONG - Open Letter to Rev. Wright
Dear Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
I'd like to write to you to express my deep contempt for your continued displays of ignorance. I won't mix words here. You have proven yourself to be an idiot. After your comments today about Jews not letting you speak to Obama I have just HAD IT. You'd do well to be a Jew yourself; just remember that. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two by converting. You'd learn to show some respect for a group of people who has endured attitudes like yours for THOUSANDS of years....not merely hundreds. You are a gas-bag who will say anything hateful to get attention and perpetuate racism. You are giving your church, religion, blacks, and the human race a bad name; and it's time you zip the lip!
I don't usually resort to name-calling but I feel the need to meet you on your level so that you will understand how some people really feel about your antics. Obama not speaking to you has nothing to do with Jews. It has to do with the fact that you seem to have lost your mind in recent months, if not years. I'm personally glad that people all over the world are now aware of just how ignorant and hateful you have become. Your stupidity has managed to go largely unnoticed except by those who happened to be under the sound of your voice. While I have and always will be a proponent of free speech, I will call B.S. when I see it. As I see it now, you are knee deep in it.
In closing, how about you read the rest of the Bible. You know…the parts that tell you to "love thy neighbor as thyself". Try that on for size. Drop the racism and hatred and step away slowly. Nothing is holding you back in this life except for your sorry attitude.
David A.K.A "FED UP"
UPDATE: 11JUNE 2009 - 4:27PM
Hello everyone - It's been a busy day for me but I wanted to take a moment to make an update to this story based upon Rev. Wright's "clarification”.
I will say that I'm still NOT buying it. He's trying to soften the impact of what he said by saying he misspoke like Hillary Clinton.
So if Hillary jumps off a bridge does that make it OK for you Reverend? That is the coward’s way out in my opinion and I am not impressed with your half-hearted effort at damage control.
Rev. Wright has made a career of speaking to both congregants and media alike. To pass this off as a gaffe not only insults our intelligence but it reeks of indifference. It is clear to me that Rev. Wright wishes to stay mired in past ideals instead of moving forward. He resorted to the verbal equivalent of a drive-by shooting the other day and now wants to make it seem like a mere mistake. I call B.S....AGAIN.
10 Reasons TSA Should Drop Planned Gender Tracking:
10. Last time I checked if you are going to blow something up you will do it regardless of your gender.
9. This requirement may cause transgendered individuals unnecessary embarrassment and hassle.
8. TSA does not have a great gender relations track record.
7. Tracking gender makes us NO safer.
6. If you can't discriminate based upon gender then you shouldn't be able to screen for it at a checkpoint.
5. The only time gender is relevant is after the fact. Understanding female vs. male terrorist activity only helps us once an act of terror has been realized. This new data will not save lives.
4. Transportation security should be based upon treating everyone the same without regard for things like gender or race. If an Arab man or woman is willing to cause harm to others so is a black man, or white woman, or anyone else.
3. TSA screening is a gigantic experiment which continues to spawn more experiments, whether they are needed or not. We should be asking ourselves why.
2. Gender "marking" seems harmless enough on the outside but this is just the beginning. The more we accept these seemingly harmless “security enhancements”, the easier it will be to one day lose all our freedoms before we even realize it has happened.
1. The plan to indicate the gender of travelers is a waste of time and an infringement on a person’s privacy. Since 9/11 there has been NO incidence of any lives being saved or any catastrophe being avoided because someone's gender was noted before hand. There has been no credible information made available to the public which indicates that any woman plans on dressing up like a man or a man like a woman with the intention of causing harm in an airport or on an aircraft. Where is this all really leading?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hard To Breathe (A Blogspot Exclusive)
It felt like the eerie calm before and after a tornado. The damage was nearly the same. The very air was afraid to move or make a sound. In a moment it was as if all the oxygen in the universe had been instantly removed. All I wanted...needed...was to breathe but could not. The moment of silence gave way to quiet tears. I cannot believe this moment has come and gone. I want to go back to the sounds of before, the beautiful sounds of new. I want to hear the harmony of connection and the melody of finding the one. It was music and fresh air and it all seems to have vanished. I'd offer my life to get it back; though it feels as if it is my life that has already been stolen. The things I find myself willing to relinquish in order to have this sound and this moment astonish me. I'd abandon those things just to feel the warmth of love. It's hard to breathe in the fog of uncertainty, in the haze of disappointment. I know fog never lasts, clouds always dissipate, and the air will always flow freely, but right now it's hard to breathe.
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