Dear Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
I'd like to write to you to express my deep contempt for your continued displays of ignorance. I won't mix words here. You have proven yourself to be an idiot. After your comments today about Jews not letting you speak to Obama I have just HAD IT. You'd do well to be a Jew yourself; just remember that. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two by converting. You'd learn to show some respect for a group of people who has endured attitudes like yours for THOUSANDS of years....not merely hundreds. You are a gas-bag who will say anything hateful to get attention and perpetuate racism. You are giving your church, religion, blacks, and the human race a bad name; and it's time you zip the lip!
I don't usually resort to name-calling but I feel the need to meet you on your level so that you will understand how some people really feel about your antics. Obama not speaking to you has nothing to do with Jews. It has to do with the fact that you seem to have lost your mind in recent months, if not years. I'm personally glad that people all over the world are now aware of just how ignorant and hateful you have become. Your stupidity has managed to go largely unnoticed except by those who happened to be under the sound of your voice. While I have and always will be a proponent of free speech, I will call B.S. when I see it. As I see it now, you are knee deep in it.
In closing, how about you read the rest of the Bible. You know…the parts that tell you to "love thy neighbor as thyself". Try that on for size. Drop the racism and hatred and step away slowly. Nothing is holding you back in this life except for your sorry attitude.
David A.K.A "FED UP"
UPDATE: 11JUNE 2009 - 4:27PM
Hello everyone - It's been a busy day for me but I wanted to take a moment to make an update to this story based upon Rev. Wright's "clarification”.
I will say that I'm still NOT buying it. He's trying to soften the impact of what he said by saying he misspoke like Hillary Clinton.
So if Hillary jumps off a bridge does that make it OK for you Reverend? That is the coward’s way out in my opinion and I am not impressed with your half-hearted effort at damage control.
Rev. Wright has made a career of speaking to both congregants and media alike. To pass this off as a gaffe not only insults our intelligence but it reeks of indifference. It is clear to me that Rev. Wright wishes to stay mired in past ideals instead of moving forward. He resorted to the verbal equivalent of a drive-by shooting the other day and now wants to make it seem like a mere mistake. I call B.S....AGAIN.