10. Last time I checked if you are going to blow something up you will do it regardless of your gender.
9. This requirement may cause transgendered individuals unnecessary embarrassment and hassle.
8. TSA does not have a great gender relations track record.
7. Tracking gender makes us NO safer.
6. If you can't discriminate based upon gender then you shouldn't be able to screen for it at a checkpoint.
5. The only time gender is relevant is after the fact. Understanding female vs. male terrorist activity only helps us once an act of terror has been realized. This new data will not save lives.
4. Transportation security should be based upon treating everyone the same without regard for things like gender or race. If an Arab man or woman is willing to cause harm to others so is a black man, or white woman, or anyone else.
3. TSA screening is a gigantic experiment which continues to spawn more experiments, whether they are needed or not. We should be asking ourselves why.
2. Gender "marking" seems harmless enough on the outside but this is just the beginning. The more we accept these seemingly harmless “security enhancements”, the easier it will be to one day lose all our freedoms before we even realize it has happened.
1. The plan to indicate the gender of travelers is a waste of time and an infringement on a person’s privacy. Since 9/11 there has been NO incidence of any lives being saved or any catastrophe being avoided because someone's gender was noted before hand. There has been no credible information made available to the public which indicates that any woman plans on dressing up like a man or a man like a woman with the intention of causing harm in an airport or on an aircraft. Where is this all really leading?