As a writer I am rarely at a loss for words. After my ordeal with Dell, I found my self temporarily rendered incapable of expressing myself.
I googled "Dell horror stories" before I purchased my laptop. I wanted to see both sides of the Dell experience. After much reading, I rationalized that these were isolated events and that this certainly shouldn't be "par for the course". I'm glad I didn't have any money riding on that sentiment. I'd have lost everything!
Let me give you the breakdown:
May 30 - Ordered my Dell laptop
June 17- Received my Dell laptop after delivery delay
June 17 - Digital TV Tuner Card does not work
June 17 - Called Dell Tech Support 1.5hrs
June 17 - Referred to Dell OnCall for a $150 fee / NO!
June 18 - Online Dell Chat / tuner still not working 1hr
June 18 - New TV card sent over-night
June 18 - Laptop LCD screen goes out
June 18 - More Online Dell Chat 1hr
June 18 - Dell sends new screen to local technician
June 19 - New TV card arrives / does not work
June 22 - Tech shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs
June 22 - Dell states there IS no other kind of screen
June 23 - Automated Dell call stating screen shipped
June 24 - Tech 2 shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs
June 24 - Transferred 6 times to 3 departments
June 25 - Calls to Dell Media Relations not immediately returned
After explaining my preposterous ordeal to a "customer service manager" with Dell, I was offered $80.00 as compensation and they would send a THIRD technician and a THIRD screen to my home to see if they could get this BRAND NEW laptop working. My other option was to do an exchange which would take 10 business days to complete and NO compensation at all. They basically offered me 4.5% compensation for this monumental waste of my time. I proposed 4.5% compensation and the exchange or 11.5% compensation with repair. That was apparently too much to ask for all the terrible technical and customer service I received. Not to mention the "crap in a box" they shipped to me. The Dell representative stated that they would rather not have the 88.5% on the sale with a chance to retain a repeat customer and instead just give me a full refund. A company who would cash in 88.5% and customer retention for 0% sounds like a company on the Bullet Train to extinction. That's just BAD business all around. So, with that, I set up my laptop for a complete refund. I'd rather let piranhas feast on my eyeballs than to put up with Dell Customer Service.
I basically received the laptop equivalent of a whoopi cushion. This whole experience feels like a practical joke! The joke was certainly on me.
I invite you to comment with your Dell customer experiences as well. I plan on sending this information to Dell Media Relations. Perhaps if enough attention is gained we can affect real change.
As always, I am happy to update this story should Dell care to respond with a resolution or additional relevant information.
Stay Free!