America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is a group of major health insurance providers that have banded together to resist health-care reform. They are now offering up a "report" which states that should health-care reform pass in Congress, it would increase deductibles for America's insured. I had to wonder why a group of major insurance companies would even have such a group. I did a little digging. The following is just a short list of some of the board members of this group. Everyone should know this...
George C. Halvorson
Chairman and CEO
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
H. Edward Hanway
Chairman and CEO
Michael McCallister
President and CEO
Humana Inc.
Daniel P. Neary
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company
Ronald A. Williams
Chairman and CEO
Aetna Inc.
Any of those companies look familiar to you? There are also several CEOs from various Blue Cross - Blue Shield companies around the U.S.
Again, this is just a fraction of the CEOs that are a part of this "bipartisan health-care reform" group. Now why would all these major insurers be against health-care reform? Something is just "off" here...
Even more interesting...the "bipartisan" report claiming that reform would raise our rates by 111% percent in the next decade was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers, a tax, risk, and business strategy firm that all of these insurance companies are members of. This is a firm which helps the insurance companies be more profitable world-wide. Oh, and this tax firm, it's based in the UK...not the U.S. Do you really think they have OUR best interest in mind?
This same group has a tax-free research group (AHIP Foundation) set up to do research about the insurance industry. That means you and I are paying for them to research how to increase their business. Have you ever heard of such MESS???
This health-care reform bill represents massive accountability and regulation for the Insurance Industry and they are fighting it tooth and nail. They have their lobbyists and their pseudo reporting firms throwing lies at the American people and legislature in hopes of continuing to profit off the backs of every-day Americans like you and me. Don't fall for this report that premiums will increase for every American. The premiums have been increasing dramatically for years, well before talk of health-care reform. What's not being said is that insurers would no longer have a free ride at our expense and they do NOT like that idea at all. The sad part is all of this information that I've laid out here today is available to everyone. All you have to do is read. I simply went to each website and started connecting the dots. Don't just take my word for it...read for yourself.
Stay Free!