It astonishes me that so many people have such an issue with President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I think some people are not familiar with the award's purpose and function. I also think there are others who are just angry that Obama is being recognized for any good deed and would find any reason to criticize the choice. It really irritates me that so many don't know anything about the award yet have so many things to say about who receives it. For more information on the history and purpose of the award please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Peace_Prize or http://nobelprize.org/index.html
I believe there are good reasons why Obama has received this award. There are many things which he has put into motion to open dialogue between countries. Communication is paramount to any effort for peace. While our previous President closed many doors to communication while fostering an isolationist approach to war, President Obama has again opened those doors and begun a new era of open communication...even where it's not popular to do so. He's had to reverse so much of the damage done by former President Bush across the globe. He's done an incredible thing taking this country off the path of isolationism.
All things said, I believe people should take it upon themselves to get more background and information on the Nobel award before they chastise the committee or the recipient. The ignorant comments I've seen in a mere few hours has left me with a desire to continue to educate myself as much as possible.
For the record: Self-education is a highly undervalued resource.
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