I want to start by saying that I believe that the iphone is a wonderful device. I do not dispute that this phone has changed the "game" when it comes to what people are capable of doing on a cell phone. For all it's success, the iphone has created a dubious phenomenon... the iphone douche bag or iDB!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, if you are not one of them already most likely you've seen them or know one. They are in their cars next to you in traffic, at the office in a cubicle, at the grocery store, the movie theater, study groups, churches, restaurants, doctors offices...you name it! They are characterized by being unable to pull their faces away from the iphone long enough to take in the world around them. They have replaced the loud, obnoxious cell user as the new annoying thing on the flight from L.A. to New York and everywhere in between.
I've been up close and personal with the iphone. I know it's great. I also tend to grant people their "new gadget honeymoon". I've been there before. The iDB, however, takes this obsession to a whole new level. Have you ever tried talking to the iphone Douche Bag about anything other than their iphone? I thought people talking about their young children or grandchildren were bad. They are mild compared to the iDB. I think it's time to put the iphone down and rejoin the land of the living. There is a time and place for the iphone. The restroom, hospital, game night, or other HUMAN social event is not really the place for it.
Don't let this happen to your loved ones. Act now before it's too late! Start an iphone Douche Bag support group in your area. It's an illness and must be cured. With your help we can see a brighter day for those suffering with iDBS. :-)
Stay iphone Free!