As I got out of the shower this morning, I dried off and made my way to the bedroom where, in true bachelor style, I had all my clean underwear dumped all over my bed. Hey I’m single. I have no time to be bothered with order and neatness. I decided that because I am going on a road-trip this weekend that I should wear only underwear that have holes in them to work this week. By my calculations, at least 80-90% of my underwear had holes, so I had to choose carefully. I sat down at the end of the bed and started inspecting my underwear. I made it through the 10 pair that were on my bed. Not a hole to be found in ONE pair!!! I knew that I only had 2 other pair and they were dirty. So it must have been those 2 pair with the holes. That's when it hit me. I was only ever noticing those 2 pair!!! I was under the impression that almost ALL my underwear had holes. I couldn't help but wonder, how long had I been looking at “holy” underwear? Well, I've spent the greater part of the last 6 years looking for imperfections in my underwear instead of appreciating all the pair that were great! How could this have happened? Sure, I've been through medical issues, family issues, work issues, money issues, love (or lack thereof) issues, but I wasn't even concerned with all the good things in my life. This made for a rather miserable version of my former self that I am quite sure nobody really wants to be around…which explains SO many things.
So right then I decided to just STOP it. I'm going to stop looking for all the negative things in life and start taking the positive away from it. Trust me...it took sorting through my “undies” to finally realize that I am a very negative person! It's incredible how taking stock of one's unmentionables can have such a far-reaching impact. I put this new way of thinking into practice today and I can already see the difference.
I even got to wear great underwear to work today! It's going to be a good day…better yet…a good life!