I AM of African American descent and even I don't find this cartoon offensive. I think as a country we've just entered into a new era of over-sensitivity. While I am well aware that African Americans were referred to as monkeys in the past...I do not believe that this was the intent of the cartoonist. I think to say that he did mean it racially is a "stretch". One can see whatever meaning one wishes, if one tries hard enough. Obama did not write the stimulus bill alone and therefore the depiction of a monkey being shot being Obama really makes no sense.
I also find it disturbing that leading the cry of "racism" is the Rev. Al Sharpton - Opportunist Wind-bag Supreme. I am a firm believer that he, along with Jesse Jackson, will take up any cause that gets them air time. I also believe they are caught up in a civil rights movement of old. While racism and civil rights are still VERY much a valid and pressing issue in this country, I believe it is vastly different than it was when both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were growing up and first getting involved in the movement. They refuse to change with the times and have "money-motivated" aspirations in play. I, for one, "ain't buying it".
I think this cartoon points out that there are a bunch of crazed monkeys writing legislation these days. Moreover it speaks to the lack of thought that goes into a lot of the legislation that is being signed into law. I think people should remember that this country was founded on free speech and stop trying to turn everything into an automatic racial issue just because we now have a black President. Maybe the people freaking out about this should check THEIR perceptions of other black people. If monkey makes them automatically think of a black person then there is something a little "off" there if you ask me.
P.S. - I voted for Hillary...then Obama. Just in case any of you are wondering. :-)
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