I wish the Republican Party would take this election beating and do something substantial. I reserved making any judgments on Mr. Michael Steele until I had more information and could observe his actions. I was also trying to give the GOP the benefit of the doubt.
As it turns out, it's precisely what I first feared it might be...a GIMMICK.
After all these years the GOP has never had a Black Chairman. Now that we have a Black President they miraculously find a Black man to head the party? That "smells" just like adding Sarah Palin to the GOP ticket as a way to steal female voters left angry about Clinton.
Instead of learning from this election bludgeoning, the GOP's answer to their trials is to offer up yet another gimmick. As if having a Black man chair anything for them is going to make the world forget their failures to connect with the majority. As if this not-so-slight of hand is going to make the GOP look fresh and in touch again. It doesn't. In my opinion it's like dressing up in "black-face" and expecting people to really believe you are black!
The prescription for GOP future is to take about a year to first get their footing again. This would include getting MAJOR "web help" to catch up to the younger generation. Their web effort during the election was pathetic at best. They should also stop scripting their organization so much. Is there nobody in the GOP who is just naturally well spoken and articulate? I get the feeling that the GOP doesn't really want to move forward but would rather repackage old ideas and make them seem new. This doesn't really work with cell phones and it doesn't work with politics. In fact, it ends up more like reusing toilet paper. It's nasty and doesn't work!
My message for the GOP: Don't kid yourself or America. There is a reason you've lost so much ground and it's going to take more than token responses and gimmicks to help you move forward. Spend more time coming up with a plan that makes sense and less time searching for your next gimmick.
Stay Free!