This past weekend I took a little road-trip to Amarillo Texas! I know…I’m such a globe-trotter. After many miles of crops, cows, and cantankerous little towns, I hit the “great white wall”…referred to locally as the Blizzard of 2009! Yes, it was my very first blizzard and I found myself driving right through the “teeth” of it!!!
As I drove through what would later be referred to on local news as “White Out” conditions, I was reminded of how much that experience was like life. Sometimes I find myself surrounded by a "blizzard", barely able to see my way through. One thing is certain though, I have to make sure that while the snow surrounds me, I keep looking ahead…even if it seems impossible to navigate. I must stay focused.
I sort of feel that way right now in my life so this blizzard experience was very helpful to me. I think this was really a continuation of me trying to stay optimistic and look for the good things in my life. I made it through the blizzard. I arrived at my hotel and it was lovely. I know there are great things in store for me. It’s just up to me to see them and remind myself that blizzards are not permanent. They melt away with the morning sun, and what you are left with is a clear day where you can see for miles.