Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm Terrified That Terror Will Terrorize Me Until I'm Terrified Of Being Terrorless

My wish  for the new year is that the word "terror" be banned for ALL TIME.  I can't go anywhere without hearing or reading the word.  Everything is "terror".  Terror...terror...terror.  A child hits someone on the playground...terror.  Someone cuts in line at the grocery store...terror.  Late on your rent?  Terror.  Give me a BREAK.  Not every single thing that happens is terror.  Just like the fact that not everyone who attacks a pope is "mentally unstable", as the Vatican would have you believe.  Some people are just bad. Some are just plain old bastards.  I fear that soon everything will be labeled terror.  Once we start labeling any and every thing as terror then we can all be held without being charged as an "enemy combatant".  Is that what we really want?  It's sad to see the resurgence of this ridiculous blanket term in the media and beyond.  I'm sick and tired of "the world" trying to scare the shit out of me at every turn.  So the next time you see someone pull something out of his underwear on a flight, just beat his or her ASS, then sit back down and enjoy your peanuts.  There is NO need to be filled with terror all the time.

The bottom line:

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger's Wood

Am I the only one who is not surprised by the Tiger Woods drama?  I don't know why everyone is SO shocked by his recent indiscretion or family "let-down".  In a country where you have better odds of surviving certain types of cancer than surviving a marriage, why should anyone really be shocked?

I think it would have been more shocking to realize he had been driving drunk.  While the story is not nearly as interesting as the vague statements continually released by Tiger, this goes to show you that nobody is perfect.  Maybe this is so shocking for some because of the pedestal these celebrities are placed on.  I've said for a long time that celebrity adoration is out of control.  We live in a media-obsessed world where there are very few laws to protect against the paparazzi over-drive we seem to be in the middle of.  I think it's time we all just take a giant step back from all things celebrity.

Tiger is a man.  He's a man who has women (and some men I'm sure) all over the world throwing themselves at him at every turn so they can be the next ex Mrs. Tiger Woods.  He's a man who lives in an American culture of disposable relationships, limitless power, unending influence, and staggering greed.  The American universe conspires against him.

The Bottom Line:
We live in a place where we always want what we can't have.  Like children, we want someone else's toy.  It doesn't change just because someone is in the media spotlight.  In fact, it may be worse at the "top" of the world.    Let Tiger and his family work out their issues.  The world will still be turning tomorrow and he will get back to golf soon enough.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Big Kiss Off

I love how shocked everyone is over this ridiculous "in the moment"(in the moment my ass) American Music Award kiss.  Did anyone really expect Adam Lambert to act differently?  Be serious.  He's been a pair of boobs away from a drag queen for almost a year now!  Let's get something out of the way before we go any further.

I do not care for Adam Lambert as a person.  I don't think he's the best representative of the gay community.  He tries to dismiss the fact that he's a role model but he is...like it or not.  I guess that's what people want to see because that's the kind of person we keep putting out there.

That said, I do believe that he has a point about an entertainment double standard.  As a society we have far less of a problem watching Madonna, Britney, and Christina share a lesbian moment on an award show.  Oh, but let one pseudo famous gay guy decide to kiss his band member and people are crying into their AMA popcorn.  Give me a break.  In a country where sex between straight people is a multi-billion dollar industry and on-screen romps are commonplace (even in daytime), this should not surprise anyone.  Let's not get our underwear in a twist because of a gay kiss.  Gays are not going away and in fact are becoming more high profile every day.  It's a fact of life.  Get over it already.  To those who will belly-ache about their children seeing that...quit trying to pretend that your child will never or can never, know, go to school with, date, be friends with, or meet a gay person.  Instead, how about you teach your children that some boys and girls are different that way.  Then maybe you can skip the whole "shock and awe" routine when your child happens upon a gay moment somewhere.

The Bottom Line:
While I don't really care for Adam Lambert, I am glad he took his little political stand.   After a year of states bashing gay marriage, gay rights, and everything else that is "gay", it was nice to see someone just go out and be who they wanted to be...for all the world to see.  I believe it was equal parts gimmick and protest.  He gets an B for effort though.  He also gets an A for that kiss!  Wowza!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

GooGoo for Gaga

I have to tell ya... at first I was not sure about Lady Gaga.  I thought that maybe she was a gimmick or a one-hit-wonder.  I've never seen a Gaga video until I watched her latest one called Bad Romance.  I was SO impressed.  While the product placement was a bit much in the beginning of the video, I was on board with how absolutely creative she is.  This woman does for videos today what MTV used to do for videos way back in the day.  I've been saying for months, maybe even years now, that I wished music videos were more creative.  It seems all the creative energy has been sucked out of the music industry.  Now all you see is slow motion "beauty shots" or stripper rejects hanging all over cars they can never afford.  It's like video's have become one big animated Glamor Shot.

Enter Gaga: She has single-handedly breathed new life into video making.  She has also raised the bar considerably for these pretenders who want to throw a couple million into CGI special effects and call it a day.  Don't get me wrong... I believe special effects can be awesome in a music video, but not when an artist relies on that to make their video special.  I don't like these beauty videos either.  One of the biggest offenders  is Mariah Carey.  Yes, I said it.  Even though I will ALWAYS love MC, there have been very few videos from her that do anything but accentuate her beauty.  Mariah, sweetie, we know you are pretty...let's get creative now!  Obsessed was a good start, but still too much beauty.  I would LOVE to see Lee Daniels direct your next video...now there's a cool idea!

The Bottom Line: While you may not care for Lady Gaga's music, her OVER-THE-TOP outfits, or her Tampon-ish performances on award shows (MTV VMAs), you can't deny that she is as original as one can be in this day in age.  Really nothing is original anymore.  It hasn't been since before I was born... but she sure does make her take on things extremely interesting and very cool.

Long Live Gaga

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oprah, Palin, & Mononucleosis

I just got done watching Sarah Palin on Oprah.  Listening to her gave me Mono!  Why won't Sarah Palin just answer a damn question directly?  I don't understand why this woman refuses to say YES or NO.  She had the perfect opportunity to undo or reduce her poor image with the opposition and she only made it worse. Maybe she just confirmed what the nay-sayers have said all along.

I won't deny, there is something appealing about Palin's personality.  Did she ever need to be in politics?  I'm thinking no.  Did she ever need to be on a Presidential ticket as the Vice Presidential candidate?  No...certainly not!  Is there a forum for her in the public eye?  I think so.  Those who know me well understand that last statement is a huge departure from how I've felt in the past.  I just wanted her to go away.  I do believe that she represents a good portion of the people in this country.  I don't believe she will ever be respected by those with opposing views until she stops playing cat and mouse with the media.  One day she's the cat and one day she's the mouse.  Until she learns to simply ANSWER THE QUESTION, she will not be taken seriously.  She spent an hour on what many would consider the world's most influential television show very nearly refusing to give direct answers and trying to be portrayed in an intelligent light.  All she really managed to do was make herself look even worse by not being up front with those watching.

I have an idea.  If Sarah Palin is going to make a career out of not answering questions directly or dancing around subjects, maybe she should stop going on TV for interviews.  She should stop wasting everyone's time.  She should go back to being a mom.  What's even more amusing is that there are still people trying to refute valid criticism of this Palin interview.  Someone told me told me today, "if you don't want to see Sarah Palin turn the channel...It's not rocket science".  To that I say, if Sarah Palin wishes to remain in the public eye and put herself in a public forum in an attempt to "tell her story", then she, along with everyone else, should be ready for those who will call bullshit when they see it.  It's THAT simple.

Bottom Line: Sarah Palin would have you believe that what you see is what you get...and all those other warm and endearing clichés.  The real truth is that what you see is what Sarah Palin wants you to see...nothing more.  So, to Sarah Palin I say this...  Show us something different.  Show us that you can answer questions directly.  Show us that you can "talk straight" with us, rather than acting like the politicians you moan about.  Stop pretending that you are just a "good ole girl" and own up to the fact that you are NO different than any other politician in the game today.  You are a person with a plan, an agenda, just like the rest of those in power and on their way to power.  You are not the brightest individual in that group either, so it's time you put up or shut up Maverick.

You betcha!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Verizon Wireless: What Recession?

I am pretty sure the folks over at Verizon Wireless are smoking some of the best "recession pot" around.  That can be THE only explanation for their gluttonous pricing plans for the new Motorola Droid.  I have to admit.  I was very interested in breaking with my current phone carrier just to have this phone.  That was the case until I started digging a little deeper.  What I found was just appalling!  Trust me...there is more to that god-awful Gothic sound they have on the Droid website VerizonWireless.com/Droid.  It sounds like music from the Saw VI movie and for good reason!

The Break Down:

$99.00/mo - 450 Minutes (Seriously?)
$119.99/mo - 900 Minutes
$129.99/mo - 1350 Minutes
$149.99/mo - Unlimited
$699.99/mo - Unlimited and you get to be the CEO for 5minutes.

This doesn't sound too bad considering how AT&T and Apple are sticking it to iPhone users.  But Wait!!!  There's more!!!

$35.00 - Activation Fee (A.K.A. The fee we just throw in to add insult to injury fee)

It get's better...

The phone price:
$599.99 - Month To Month
$269.99 - One Year Contract
$199.99 - Two Year Contract

If you call in the next 60 seconds...

$1.39/mo - Extended Warranty
$1.99/mo - Basic Crappy Insurance
$7.99/mo - Insurance That Will Actually Help Insurance

As a special bonus...

$2.99/mo - Visual Voice Mail
$39.00 - Just for the battery! What phone doesn't come with a battery?
$4.99 - For the battery door!!!???

The Bottom Line...

I would have to pay nearly $300 just to purchase and activate this Recession Nightmare.  After all that, I'd be paying almost $200 a month just for the privilege of owning and operating the Motorola Droid.  Sure, the Droid, by all accounts is an incredible phone, but do I really want to pay what will amount to around FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS for it over the term of a two year contract??????  There is no recession according to Verizon.  The Droid by Motorola is a gorgeous phone, but it will cost you as much as an upscale hooker and probably leave you with as much regret. 

Verizon: Fail
Motorola: Fail
Monthly Charges: Fail
Start Up Charges: Fail
Realistic Recession Option: Fail

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fear, Love, & Freedom - January 27, 2003

I stare into the face of evil
Tempting fate to snare my foot

I long to love and run to its call
But love cried wolf

Now I fear for my life
Hoping that darkness doesn’t catch me this time

I asked God to spare me this fate
I get no immediate answer

So now I deny myself for a time
Waiting to hear

This is a lonely vacuum
Empty, without conscience

Silence has bronzed
It is the constant sound now

I wait for answers
For love I wait

My heart cries aloud
Fear mocks my heart

Love pities my fear
Fear slows my love

Oh Heavens, help me
Reach down to save me from this fall

Deliver my love to a place of refuge
Nurse it back to health

Then set it free once again

~ By David Jackson

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hate This!

To All The Haters...

I know who is responsible for the recent hateful comments left on my blog and your ignorance will no longer be tolerated here. It's a shame that you don't have the courage or character to post your comments under anything other than "anonymous". Your comments have been removed and security measures are now in place to prevent your hateful rhetoric in the future. It's a shame that so many small-minded people still get to walk this earth each and every day spreading hate and intolerance to everyone they possibly can.

While I believe in free speech, I also believe in appropriate behavior. If you want to hate on me because I have a down moment and wish to question MY LIFE, then you are sadder than any post I could ever create. My blog represents my ideals and opinions. Like it or not, I am entitled to that. I will not accept hatred from those who wish to silence me because something I say may reflect poorly upon them. I will not be dissuaded from expressing my views. I will not be bullied by my ex-wife Sandra Renee Bullard, her husband Bart Bullard, or anyone else from their circle of religious bigots.

I will take my life's journey in my way. I will express what I feel I need to. If you don't like it, then I suggest you stop stalking my every word online. You can hate on me all you want, but I will not apologize for my life, my words, my choices, or my thoughts.

Hate This!

Stay Free!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Black Barbie B.S.

So I'm reading up on the black Barbie collection just released by Mattel. There are people actually complaining that the Barbie is not black enough! These same people are saying she needs to have more natural hair or braids. Are we kidding here? I can count on one hand how many black women I know who wear their hair naturally. Better yet, most of the black women I know wear damn wigs or weave!!! I think all these ultra Afrocentric people need to give it a rest. Barbie has NEVER...EVER...EVER...been about representing a natural beauty...EVER. She's never really been fat. She's never been ugly. Barbie is a TOY. Get over it. If Mattel were to make her look like a Pamela Anderson amputee, that's their business. When did we all get so politically correct? For all the haters of the new Black Barbie: If you don't like it, make your own damn doll!

If people are relying on dolls to teach self-respect and pride, there is something very wrong with that. Parents, let the little girls (or boys) play with the dolls they want and BE the example that you believe they should see. It's that simple.

For the record, I don't believe there is anything wrong with wigs, perms, tracks, weave, new growth, natural hair, or any other kind of hair. So get up out black Barbie's Kool-Aid and quit trippin'!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunspot - Perfect Imperfection

I call this collection Sunspot because the white image in the background is an actual photo of the Sun. In some of these photos you can see sunspots to the left(smaller) or the right(larger). The human form in these photos is mine. I found it intriguing that both the Sun and Humans have imperfections that are not a detriment and can actually be a thing of beauty. A sunspot, by definition, is an area on the surface of the Sun that has intense magnetic activity. These imperfections produce the following phenomena:

Areas of reduced temperature on the surface of the Sun, which I compare to Humans who exhibit grace under fire...

Beautiful and elegant light formations called Coronal Loops, which I compare to Human creativity...

Solar Flares, that release tremendous amounts of energy which have far reaching effects. I compare this to the Human Spirit, which can deliver someone out of the darkest places in life while forever changing future generations.

The moral of this photographic story is... Don't shy away from your imperfections. They can make you a thing of beauty if you let them. I hope you enjoy. See the photos below...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Time & Punishment

Do you ever have one of those moments where you start to wonder if perhaps you are being punished for something you've done? Having wondered that...ever have a hard time figuring out what the hell that might have been? I know I do.

In January 2010 it will have been 7 years since I left my ex-wife, an idea that we both agreed was best. Since then, I have struggled in every way imaginable. My ex-wife has struggled to let go of the past. My kids have struggled more than any of us. They struggle to understand why things are different now. They struggle with hearing two versions of how the world turns. They get the narrow-minded, bigoted version with their mother and step-dad. They get the "realist" version from me.

I won't pretend that my decision to come out as a gay man hasn't come at a high price. It was, however, less about being gay and more about being honest with myself and everyone else in my life. Fast forward to today... I can't help but wonder if I am paying too high a price for that decision. Am I being punished for trying to lead an honest life? Sometimes it seems like the criminals in this world are the only ones who really enjoy life. Should I have kept lying? I feel like the answer to this line of questioning is a big fat NO...but I feel like I've served my time. I've taken my punishment. When is it time for me to join the land of the living again?

They say Karma is a bitch. I'm starting to think she's a bitch with the memory of an elephant. I need Karma to give me a damn break. I am not asking to get away with anything. I'm not asking that the effects of my decisions be wiped away for all time. I am being very realistic here...after all, I am a Virgo. I just want to take this moment to appeal to Karma and let her know...

I don't want to be wealthy. I just want to be able to provide for myself and my kids and be OK.

I don't want the romance of the ages. I just want to meet someone who is honest, loving, faithful, and sexy...not Gilles Marini sexy...but cute. I don't think that's too much to ask...is it?

I don't want a McMansion. I just want a home or apartment with room enough for me and my children.

I don't want the chauffeur driven limo. I just want something dependable that won't embarrass me or my kids while we are driving around. :-)

At any rate, I don't believe I want too much. I don't believe I want more than I deserve. I just have this nagging feeling that Karma has other designs on what my sentence should be. I can only hope for a little credit for good behavior to help get me out of what can only be described as jail.

Monday, October 12, 2009

iPhone Douche Bag Syndrome - The Real Health Care Crisis

I want to start by saying that I believe that the iphone is a wonderful device. I do not dispute that this phone has changed the "game" when it comes to what people are capable of doing on a cell phone. For all it's success, the iphone has created a dubious phenomenon... the iphone douche bag or iDB!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, if you are not one of them already most likely you've seen them or know one. They are in their cars next to you in traffic, at the office in a cubicle, at the grocery store, the movie theater, study groups, churches, restaurants, doctors offices...you name it! They are characterized by being unable to pull their faces away from the iphone long enough to take in the world around them. They have replaced the loud, obnoxious cell user as the new annoying thing on the flight from L.A. to New York and everywhere in between.

I've been up close and personal with the iphone. I know it's great. I also tend to grant people their "new gadget honeymoon". I've been there before. The iDB, however, takes this obsession to a whole new level. Have you ever tried talking to the iphone Douche Bag about anything other than their iphone? I thought people talking about their young children or grandchildren were bad. They are mild compared to the iDB. I think it's time to put the iphone down and rejoin the land of the living. There is a time and place for the iphone. The restroom, hospital, game night, or other HUMAN social event is not really the place for it.

Don't let this happen to your loved ones. Act now before it's too late! Start an iphone Douche Bag support group in your area. It's an illness and must be cured. With your help we can see a brighter day for those suffering with iDBS. :-)

Stay iphone Free!

Health Care Hoax: Smoke & Mirrors

America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is a group of major health insurance providers that have banded together to resist health-care reform. They are now offering up a "report" which states that should health-care reform pass in Congress, it would increase deductibles for America's insured. I had to wonder why a group of major insurance companies would even have such a group. I did a little digging. The following is just a short list of some of the board members of this group. Everyone should know this...

George C. Halvorson
Chairman and CEO
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan

H. Edward Hanway
Chairman and CEO

Michael McCallister
President and CEO
Humana Inc.

Daniel P. Neary
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

Ronald A. Williams
Chairman and CEO
Aetna Inc.

Any of those companies look familiar to you? There are also several CEOs from various Blue Cross - Blue Shield companies around the U.S.

Again, this is just a fraction of the CEOs that are a part of this "bipartisan health-care reform" group. Now why would all these major insurers be against health-care reform? Something is just "off" here...

Even more interesting...the "bipartisan" report claiming that reform would raise our rates by 111% percent in the next decade was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers, a tax, risk, and business strategy firm that all of these insurance companies are members of. This is a firm which helps the insurance companies be more profitable world-wide. Oh, and this tax firm, it's based in the UK...not the U.S. Do you really think they have OUR best interest in mind?

This same group has a tax-free research group (AHIP Foundation) set up to do research about the insurance industry. That means you and I are paying for them to research how to increase their business. Have you ever heard of such MESS???

This health-care reform bill represents massive accountability and regulation for the Insurance Industry and they are fighting it tooth and nail. They have their lobbyists and their pseudo reporting firms throwing lies at the American people and legislature in hopes of continuing to profit off the backs of every-day Americans like you and me. Don't fall for this report that premiums will increase for every American. The premiums have been increasing dramatically for years, well before talk of health-care reform. What's not being said is that insurers would no longer have a free ride at our expense and they do NOT like that idea at all. The sad part is all of this information that I've laid out here today is available to everyone. All you have to do is read. I simply went to each website and started connecting the dots. Don't just take my word for it...read for yourself.


Stay Free!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel B.S.

It astonishes me that so many people have such an issue with President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I think some people are not familiar with the award's purpose and function. I also think there are others who are just angry that Obama is being recognized for any good deed and would find any reason to criticize the choice. It really irritates me that so many don't know anything about the award yet have so many things to say about who receives it. For more information on the history and purpose of the award please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Peace_Prize or http://nobelprize.org/index.html

I believe there are good reasons why Obama has received this award. There are many things which he has put into motion to open dialogue between countries. Communication is paramount to any effort for peace. While our previous President closed many doors to communication while fostering an isolationist approach to war, President Obama has again opened those doors and begun a new era of open communication...even where it's not popular to do so. He's had to reverse so much of the damage done by former President Bush across the globe. He's done an incredible thing taking this country off the path of isolationism.

All things said, I believe people should take it upon themselves to get more background and information on the Nobel award before they chastise the committee or the recipient. The ignorant comments I've seen in a mere few hours has left me with a desire to continue to educate myself as much as possible.

For the record: Self-education is a highly undervalued resource.

Stay Free!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Heart of the Matter: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a concept I've failed to completely understand. It's an ideal which is even more difficult to practice with any sense of regularity. As I sit here soaking up the brisk Autumn air, I can't help but wonder... Is there a right or wrong way to forgive? This question only leads to more questions for me.

Where is the line between forgiveness and foolishness? Are we foolish to forgive someone who has transgressed against us on the deepest most hurtful levels? Are we just being stupid? Should we withhold complete forgiveness so that we can learn from past mistakes and avoid future heartbreak? Can we ever really "forgive and forget"? These are all questions I struggle with. While my upbringing tells me that we should always forgive and without end, I find that is easier said than done.

I believe forgiveness does not come easily. I also believe it is a choice; one that has to be made on a moment by moment basis. I may never perfect the act of forgiveness in my life. I will continue to strive to make that choice. I think it's important for my soul to be able to. While forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, it allows us to acknowledge that nobody is perfect and we all need a little grace in this graceless age in which we live. The song The Heart of the Matter says it best I think. This song was originally written by Don Henley but the version by India Arie speaks to me in a way that is most indescribable. Below is an excerpt from that song...

These times are so uncertain
There's a yearning undefined
And people filled with rage
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive in such a graceless age
And the trust and self-assurance that lead to happiness
Are the very things we kill, I guess
Pride and competition cannot fill these empty arms
And the work they put between us
You know it doesn't keep us warm

I've been trying to live without you now
But I miss you, baby
The more I know, the less I understand
And all the things I thought I figured out, I have to learn again
I've been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my heart is so shattered
But I think it's about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don't love me anymore...

My Challenge For Today:

Offer forgiveness... expecting nothing in return but a soul put at ease.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dumb & Dumberer

I was reading up today about the Obama Administration initiative to lengthen the school day and the school year. I, for one, think this it is one of the best initiatives to come out of the White House in years! Let me "break it down" for you...

The Ugly Truth:

On average, our kids are just not as bright as those in other parts of the world. Now before you go getting all mad about that statement, remember, I said on average! Asian countries are killing us in Math and Science; two things we desperately need with a planet wasting away before our eyes. Growing up, I can remember a sentiment that Asian people were "just smarter". I think as a society we've just rolled over and accepted mediocrity as the new standard of excellence. We should stop celebrating mediocrity and start striving to learn again. We've replaced books with Nintendo DSi and PlayStation 1, 2, and 3. Think about it... the pool of people who will be qualified to run this country in the future is getting smaller and smaller. In fact, it's quickly becoming a wading pool.

The Advantages:

Besides the obvious higher level of learning, there are many advantages that I see. Fewer kids will be left home alone. This means they are out of danger and out of trouble. Their grades will get better which can only lead to higher self esteem. Encouraging kids to do better is fine, but giving them extra time to actually become better does so much more. With all this extra time spent and higher learning achieved we can trust that we won't have to outsource our survival to other countries. That is exactly what will happen if we don't start catching up on Math and Science immediately.

The Disadvantages:

There are none in my opinion. You hear people all the time moaning and complaining about the extra cost or the fact that family vacations will be altered somehow. You hear about someone being inconvenienced. Are you kidding? The fuss is all about superfluous things. What's a little inconvenience compared to being able to compete and keep up with the rest of the world? What's the extra money spent compared to bringing up children who can actually think for themselves and speak English properly. It's like so much better..um...ya know? Seriously, we need this. We've needed this. I grew up learning about American ingenuity and how we rose to face any challenge. Where is the line between ingenuity and procrastination? It seems as though we are all a little too content to wait for a disaster to show our "American Ingenuity". I believe it's time we applied that spirit before we create a learning disaster.

The End Game:
All political affiliations aside, this initiative makes sense for our children...for our future. Like him or not, Obama is taking on something we need badly. He has kids. He knows the implications. He makes a great point about how the school system is based upon the agrarian economy. The world has evolved. It's time our education system did too. Support our future...support longer school days and longer school years!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stressed and Taking Prisoners

It occurs to me that there are some in this life who find themselves in a constant state of stress. The reasons could be singular or plural and could range from lack of a bowel movement to trying to take on way too many things in life. It really doesn't matter why. What does matter is that some people like to arrest others with their stress and send them strait to jail! Do not pass GO...do not collect $200.00. I am not sure I will ever fully understand some people's need to inflict their stress on others. I think it's time they all took a deep breath, a good shit, and prioritize. Stop making prisoners out of the people in life that know how to deal with their stress in a healthy way. Learn to cope outside the prison walls. You will live longer and I'm pretty sure everyone else in your life will breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Stay Free!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire!

In this complicated world we live in sometimes the line between truth and fiction can be greatly blurred. Hell, sometimes people can take that line, dance on it, swing it around, and then bury it in their closet with the rest of their skeletons! Why is it that some people have this insatiable need to make their life into something it's not? Why must they create an imaginary world and expect you to live in it with them? I am all for creating your "own world", but only if it's REAL.

These same people then wonder, with genuine intensity, why others will not buy into their lies...their "knock-off coach bag", if you will. Society is becoming more and more artificial by the day. Is this a road we really want to travel down? Do we really want to live a lie more than we want to live the truth? I, above all, know that the truth is sometimes extremely ugly. Sometimes we are not honest with even ourselves because we don't like how the truth sounds when we say it out loud. I get that. However, I honestly believe the only way to live free is in the light. I do not believe in creating a false existence in which to live. There is no point.

Exhibit A: I offer you "JC"...

This is a man (pictured above) that I believed I would be with forever. I didn't realize that he was a con-artist and the Exalted Supreme Emperor of Falsehood. Ours was a story to be told. Little did I know that story would end up being a work of fiction. There were many dots(also known as red flags) when it came to "JC". It took me a while to connect those dots. Once I did, however, the story began to sour faster than 16 day old milk in an unplugged refrigerator. There were lies about so many things. I couldn't possibly go into all of them here...after all, this is a blog not a novel. My point really is that "JC" not only lied...but created a work of fiction that would rival any Oprah Book Club member...and for what? There is never any reason to lie (except for gift giving and surprise party scenarios). In the end, I dismissed "JC". Why? At the end of the day, I'd always have more questions than answers...because I'd never be able to trust him after the assortment of lies he offered up as reality.

Through this entire "JC" ordeal I learned a couple of things. My instincts are RAZOR SHARP. I knew something was off. I took the time to find the missing link, which happened to be in my nightstand just waiting to be found. I won't go into it here but let's just say in involved a flash-drive. My instincts led me to the truth, as they have time and again with everyone from friends to lovers. I will NOT doubt them again.

The second thing I learned is I want to continue to live my life in the truth. I want to surround myself with truth. The people I allow in my life should be people who value truth and believe in it as much as I do. Life is so very short. We are here for a mere moment and then we are gone. There is no time to live in a web of lies. I've been there before...see Granted, it took me years to realize that I was living my own lie. Once I saw it for what it was I made that change. I stepped into the light and have never looked back.

As I reflect on the hows, the whys, the ifs of my "JC" fiction, I realize everything happens for a reason and though that is one of the cliches I hate the most sometimes...it's the truest one I can think of. After going through all this drama and turning 33 in the process, I have no regrets for what I went through, or for the choices I made. I've learned a great deal about myself and that has more value than any other thing in this world.

Take from this story what you will. There are many valuable lessons within these experiences. As with all my works, I share this with you in the hopes that it will inspire and entertain you. If I can do this for even one person, it's worth it.

Stay Free!

David Ross Jackson

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why the Mexico Rehab Killings Should Matter to You...

I was stunned by the Associated Press report today that gunmen in Juarez Mexico stormed a drug rehab center and executed 17 people on Wednesday. What I found most disturbing is that I believe this event represents a profound shift in the drug conflict. The implications are frightening. La Familia, the major drug cartel in Mexico, has been at war with the state and local government for years. Killing police officers, federal agents, witnesses, citizens,and children who got in the way of their day-to-day operations. Today's killings however, indicate what I believe is a new message. "Don't even THINK about getting off drugs". Think about it. One of the ways Mexico is trying to fight this "war on drugs" is to make rehab available. Fewer Users = Diminished Demand. After the events that unfolded Wednesday, however, many will be scared to get the much needed help that rehabs offer. The cartel has in essence secured the demand for their product by lining up these poor souls against the walls of the rehab center and killing them. It's like a pimp beating the crap out of his "girl" to make sure she doesn't think about trying to leave or get help. It's the same basic idea...only much worse. With over 1,400 people killed in Juarez already this year, we may start to see an increase in these "rehab killings".

I believe everyone in the U.S. should be VERY concerned that this action opens the door for the same such events here at home. Granted, the likelihood of that happening inland is lower but it's not at all impossible. I think rehabs in border states have the most to lose from this new cartel method. Rehab is a powerful tool in the war against drugs but real lives are at risk. I have family in Juarez, a sister-in-law and two young nephews. I worry for them being in the middle of such an earth-shattering climate. I can only hope that one day the U.S. military will not be spread so thin and can start to help Mexico remove the cartel once and for all. I believe a high-level of U.S. involvement is the only way to effectively put an end to the Mexican drug problem which is threatening to spill onto our doorways any moment now.

At the end of the day, we need to make sure that as relatives and friends, we do our part to squeeze La Familia and other drug cartels by making sure our loved ones stay away from drugs. Don't be afraid to talk to your loved ones about drugs. Don't take for granted that "your kid" would never...could never... Don't kid yourself. Drug abuse and addiction happens at every level and social standing. From community and church leaders to suburbia to the ghetto and everywhere in between. Pay attention to the signs and don't take for granted that as of right now...things like the Rehab Killings don't happen here in the states. Execution style murders could be coming to a rehab near you. Stay involved. Stay Free!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Get Your Ass In The Pumpkin!!!!

I'm sitting here on this lazy Sunday afternoon trying to think through the the phrase Happily Ever After. I was thinking back to Rapunzel and Cinderella. The two things these chicks had in common is that they had the nerve to "show up"...to make things happen. I mean, Rapunzel let her hair down. Otherwise, she might have never lived happily ever after. After all, if it were not for missing her hair appointment for her entire life and then using that mop to bust out of her version of Alcatraz, she would still be up there with only her frumpy hair-do and a frown.

Cinderella, on the other hand could have put on the dress and gotten all dolled up only to say, "I'm not good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, or brave enough to pull this off". If she hadn't taken the initiative to actually get her ass in the pumpkin and "get her party on" she would have never lived happily ever after!

I guess my observation is: Unless we take steps to bring about our own "happily ever after" it really won't happen on it's own. Fairy tales really DO exist but there is more work involved than simply daydreaming about them. You have to let your hair down. Not only do you have to "put the dress on", you have to get your behind in the pumpkin and floor it. Otherwise, Happily Ever After will never make it past the pages of your favorite fairy tales.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Art of Rejection and Dentistry

What is rejection? At first glance this would appear to be an easily answered question. When one takes the time to really think about rejection though, one will find that the answer is not quite as simple as one might have thought.
I’ve found that rejection really has many facets. I should note that I choose the word “facets” for two reasons. First, there is the common definition… a facet being an angle or a side to something. Then I looked deeper and found that there is another meaning…one found in the world of Dentistry. I found this definition very intriguing. Facet: “Dentistry. A small, highly burnished (polished by friction) area, usually on the enamel surface of a tooth, produced by abrasion between opposing teeth in chewing.

Let’s start chewing…

What is rejection?

I feel rejection is the type of combo you wouldn’t find on a McDonald’s menu anywhere. There is the feeling or intention of the person rejecting, paired with the perception and understanding of the person being rejected. The act of being rejected is defined by the feeling of being rejected. In other words one doesn’t really exist without the other. If I don’t feel rejected then the simple fact is…I haven’t been.

What does Dentistry have to do with it?

Well if you look at it metaphorically, you can see that “opposing teeth” produce a highly polished side or “facet” to the tooth by way of friction! The two opposing people can in fact be “polished” or even perfected by rejection, which serves as “friction”.

I got all that from teeth?

Yes! I’ve recently been on both ends of what most would perceive as rejection. I was the person rejecting and then the person being rejected. I didn’t really enjoy being on either end of it to be quite honest. I don’t enjoy putting people through rejection and I don’t really care for being rejected either. If we start to look at rejection in a better light, we can see that it’s a very necessary part of developing character. It is painful but necessary. We can see that rejection really leads us to better and more appropriate opportunities. Rejection can teach us to look within for answers. Rejection polishes us and makes us brilliant and smooth around the edges. Whether it’s rejection from a job, person, family member, friend, or foe, see it as an opportunity to move in a better direction. See it as a way to find that perfect “place” in your life. There are of course those who will disagree with my way of thinking and maintain that rejection is useless and simply some people’s way of being hateful and hurtful. Really it’s all in how you look at it. You can choose to look at the glass as half full or half empty. The choice is always ours.

So, the next time you find yourself on the “wrong” end of rejection, take a moment to breathe and then remember that while the polishing process can be painful at times, it is needed to make us better.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Love at 500mph

I am 30,000 feet above the earth, traveling at an astonishing speed. All this speed has led me to ask the question… Is there ever a case where moving fast in a relationship is exactly what you should be doing? I used to think I had the answer to this question nailed to the ground with a mental gravity that not even the most technologically advanced aircraft could conquer. Then, my theory started to falter when I met “him”. Suddenly everything seemed contrary to everything I’d ever learned. Let me explain further.

After spending years dating everyone from parishioners to partiers I found myself most convinced that moving slowly was THE only way to move at all when it came to dating. I had fallen fast and hard for guys who were “serial daters” or men seeking to sustain their youth indefinitely. Then a few weeks ago I came across someone online that I was sure I should not be talking to. He seemed cocky and closed off to anything real. While he was very attractive, I could not get past what I perceived as misguided bravado. I wasn’t even sure why I was chatting with him. Against all my better judgment, we scheduled a time to hang out. That went over like a lead balloon. We tried again… that was like trying to fly that lead balloon while anchored to an aircraft carrier that was in the process of sinking. It all seemed like the worst of lost causes. We made contact again. This time, however, circumstances would only allow us to talk to each other over the phone. We had no way of trying to meet each other. We’d have to settle for talking. A funny thing happened during these conversations which lasted about 6 days. I fell in love. I know…absurd…impossible…stupid…naive… just outright foolish. That’s what I thought at first too.

As we continued to talk, it was apparent that we were both dying to express more than either of us wanted to admit. We “knew” this was too fast. Still, the fact remained; our feelings were growing stronger by the hour. Hours melted away into minutes as we talked about everything from past relationships to hopes for our future.

Now, as I travel at speeds somewhere around 500 miles per hour, I grow so excited to finally meet this man that I can barely contain my school-girl enthusiasm. Against all logic and sound principle I am making a choice to go with what I feel in my heart. I am taking a chance on love again and it feels remarkable. I had almost forgotten that at one time…long ago…I fell in love with a woman in this same manner and we were together for a long time. While that relationship did not last simply because biology would not allow it, the experience was a surreal space of love that I had long forgotten. It’s true. I could be racing toward disaster, but I could also be speeding toward the love of a lifetime. I’ve never felt like this about anyone I’ve never met. I know I am FAR from desperate. I have been focused on myself for quite some time. I’ve done everything a person is supposed to do in order to prepare themselves for love. Who’s to say that this is not exactly what is destined to happen for me? While I cannot say with any certainty that this will work, I sure plan on enjoying the flight.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Date Me?

I sit here stranded, albeit momentarily, on this American Airlines flight bound for Atlanta and I can’t help but let my mind wander into a philosophical place. I am wondering what dating these days has come to. It seems like the older I get the more I start to notice that some people have self-selected down to a smaller and smaller group…leaving nobody but themselves even worthy enough to date. I don’t know about you but I do not want to date myself. It is, however, more and more common for people to describe themselves in excruciating detail only to follow it up with “looking for the same”. Really?

Of course as a gay man, my dating experience is far different than that of a heterosexual man but I did used to be married and have dated a few women. I can say with certainty that the game is far different. Obviously what attracts a woman to a man is not how much alike they both are. Women have qualities that they want in a man and based purely on biology those things are usually somewhat opposite yet complimentary. In the gay culture it is a little trickier to say the least. A vast majority of men fall into one of two categories…they want someone just like themselves or they want someone who embodies everything they wish they were. This all makes for a great laugh but how does that make sense? So many gay men lament the fact that they are alone but using their “logic” all they’d really have to do is invite themselves out on a date to find the perfect man. While I think I am pretty darn great, save a few flaws, I do not want to date myself. I don’t want to date anyone that is exactly like me. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the fun in that?

All things said, I think it might be a good idea for some of us to trade in "date night" for, I don’t know, “counseling night”? The fact that so many want to date their physical and emotional twin is not only slightly hilarious but points to a real problem. Maybe it’s time we opened up our minds to other types of people. Maybe it’s time to work out those issues within us that dictate that we must have our own image constantly reflected back to us in order to be “happy”. Don’t get me wrong…I think having things in common is very necessary and very healthy for any relationship but where does it end?

So the next time you think about going on a date, take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself… Do I really want to date me?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Uniquely Grateful

I'm lying here in the dark listening to Angel by Amanda Perez. I can't help but wonder about divine providence. Does it exist? Do Angels really exist? Do I even believe in God? I know I used to...before life took a baseball bat to my soul. I recently had a "fight" with God. There was yelling. There were tears. It sounds like a bad break-up, I know. I suppose it was a break of some sort. At the center of my beef with God is that he doesn't seem to take care of those who need it. Beyond that, it seems that those who don't deserve great things always seem to have great things. Then I had a conversation with a friend tonight that would make me rethink my feud with the Almighty.

This past Saturday night I was to join my friend at his friend's bachelorette party. The plan was for me to meet him in Ft. Worth where everything was to take place. He was planning on riding with his girlfriends. I told him that I'd rather ride over there with him. He had his friends drop him off at his place and I was to drive us there. Closer to the time of the event I decided that I didn't feel like going. I really didn't have a reason for not wanting to go. I just really didn't want to all of the sudden. So my friend started calling after his friends to come get him. He never could get any of them to answer. He never made it to the party that night either. I felt badly for causing him to miss it.

Tonight I sent my friend a text to see how he was. He told me that his friends had never gotten back to him that night because they were involved in a terrible car accident. The car had been side-swiped while trying to exit the highway. The car flipped over the guard-rail and was struck twice more by other cars on the road. One of his friends was ejected from the car completely and later died from her injuries. The others managed to live but are severely injured and still being treated in a Dallas hospital.

My friend would have been among them in the car had we not made plans to ride together. Some might call it coincidence but I am pretty sure I know better. While I am not completely thrilled with how God always operates, I will always be uniquely grateful to Him for saving my friends life.

It's odd to me how God chooses to use certain people in the lives of others. Never discount your effect on someone's life. Never doubt that there is someone out there watching over you. You just never know what could have been. Something as simple as a decision to stay home can forever alter the course of a life. I do believe in divine providence. As cliche as it sounds, everything really does happen for a reason. I was lucky enough to see that plainly this time. Sometimes we just need a brilliant reminder that God does watch over us.

Stay Free!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Day... A Night... and the Noise


As I sit in this rather noisy Starbucks, I am reminded that life is pretty much a soundstage. The noise really never goes away. It simply fluctuates from loud to quiet and every place in between. I've had much noise in the past 6 months or so... job noise, like countless others here in America. I've had health noise, relationship noise, ex-wife noise(sometimes the loudest of all the noise), and noise of every kind you could think of. It's our ability to filter out the noise that sets us apart.


I've made my way from the coffee shop to my stoop. As I sit in the lingering night-time heat, I can't help but wonder... When does the noise start to become music? Could it be that life's "noise" is actually a symphony of information? Think about it. Without my "job noise", I might not be a very grateful person. Without the noise of my ex-wife, I could spend my life surrounding myself with miserable and controlling people. Instead, I've learned what they look like, how they act, and I avoid them like Swine flu. I guess what I'm getting at is that the noise could either be seen as a malignant force or rather a musical compostion that provides us the notes with which to make the best music we can. Yes, maybe in this dog-eat-dog world that seems a little "Pollyanna", but I think I'm going to give it a chance.

Today has been a day of quiet reflection. I've had alot of time to think on the subject of noise and the role it plays in my life. If my venture in positive thinking in relation to noise takes a turn for the worse there is always my ipod...right? :-)

Stay Free!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson and the Power of Music

Pictured Above: David Jackson as Michael Jackson

As I woke this morning, I found it difficult to get on with the day. I got plenty of rest. I'm almost to the bottom of my coffee. What's going on with me? There is so much in my life to be excited about. Then it hit me. Michael's memorial is today. While I won't be one of the fortunate ones to attend, the day represents finality. I feel like as long as there has been no "service" for him then it hasn't really happened.

I realize that I may come off as one of the screaming, teary-eyed, Jackson fans, but it's not really like that at all. I grew up listening to Michael's music and watching his videos. His music had a profound impact on my life. An impact that is hard to adequately put into words. I personally believe that music is "other-worldly" already. Think about this... no matter where you go...who you talk to...almost everyone on earth relates to SOME type of music. Not everyone believes in god. Not all people like to read. There are SO many differences that exist between us except when it comes to music. Sure, we all have our taste in music... I love Mariah Carey yet I know many cannot stand her...but we all like music in some form or another. I was trying to remember ever meeting someone who didn't like some sort of music. I've never met anyone that simply refused to listen to music or who didn't enjoy it on some level. There has to be something to that.

That's why I believe Michael Jackson's impact on the world is so great. He found a way to channel the power that music holds. He was able to convey that power to others in a very real and honest way. I think that's why he also incorporated so many different kinds of music into his own. He wanted to connect the music to as many people as he could because he understood the value of music in our lives.

I can be having the worst day. I pop in Mariah, Michael, Pavarotti, Carrie Underwood, Seether, Switchfoot, India Arie, Luther Vandross, John Denver, Elvis, and SO many more and I can get through whatever it is that’s bothering me. Sometimes the music gives me attitude when I'm lacking enough to stand up for myself. Sometimes the music gives me peace when it seems like life is trying to kill me off. Music can get me past a bad relationship moment (thank you Beyonce). Michael understood the true power of music to unite people perhaps better than any other artist living or dead. I will always remember him for that. I will honestly always be grateful for that. So today I choose to look at this memorial, not as an ending, but as a new beginning. There may never be another Michael, but the power of music that he shared with us will always remain.

Thank you Michael...for sharing the Music.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gay Texans Cry Foul Play in Police Raid

Ft. Worth Texas - June 28, 2009

On the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in NYC, one of the most devastating gay civil rights violations in American history, Ft. Worth Police along with the TABC (Texas Alcoholic Beverages Commission) raided several Ft. Worth gay bars on Sunday night. Several people were zip-tied inside the clubs. Approximately 7 people were taken outside the clubs then arrested for public intoxication. One person has been hospitalized with a brain injury sustained in what amounts to a "statement" raid. There are several eye witness reports that excessive force was used in each location.

Let me get my first point out of the way now. I think this business of the police taking people out of a BAR only to charge them with public intoxication is asinine! If they are going to do that then they might as well arrest people on their way to a cab from the bar. A police officer goes into a bar...removes a person who has been drinking so that they can make an arrest. This is one of the most ridiculous practices I've ever heard of. Something has to be done about this. It's a technicality used by the police in very suspect situations and it has to stop.

I find it disturbing that the police department has issued no formal statement on why this raid occurred. Since the TABC was involved I would expect that maybe a liquor license was revoked, but that didn’t happen. I would also assume that maybe it was to remove minor individuals from the bar. Nope, not that either. Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead promised an investigation. My questions for him are...How could you NOT know this was happening? You are the Police Chief right? Who picked this foolish “anniversary” date for a raid on a gay bar? What was the point of this raid?

The police statements that a few patrons made "sexually explicit movements toward another officer" are hard to believe at best. What the hell does that statement even mean?

The eyes of the world will now be on the Ft. Worth Police Department as well as the City. They had better step up to the plate and do the right thing. It would be wise on their part to understand that they will not be able explain certain things away. A man now has a brain injury because of this clumsy and ill-advised moment. This entire venture was like a PowerPoint presentation... with no power and no point.

Stay Free!

For more about the Stonewall Rebellion visit:

Source: http://www.dallasvoice.com/artman

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson - My Brother

As a child I recall listening to Michael Jackson and feeling a connection to the singer because we share the same last name. I used to pretend that he was my older brother. In fact almost everyone I ever ran across as a kid would ask me, "Are you related to Michael Jackson?” I will never forget that. On some level people have never stopped with that joke, even as an adult. It's funny how some things just stick.

My young mind was full of imagination when it came to music and I soaked in everything Michael did. While attending a private school where "penny loafers" were mandatory, I would put on my brightest white socks and the jet black loafers and dance on the tiled kitchen floor. My mom would just roll her eyes and giggle and what must have been my silly "knock-off" moon-walk. I never did learn how to do that correctly.

I think back to my very favorite song by Michael. It had to be, with out a doubt, "Black or White". Being of Scottish, African-American, and Cherokee descent, this was the song that helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. As I watched the music video with the different people of all races morph, one into another, I felt like I could be or do anything in life. When I heard that song it made me believe that my race didn't matter.

Fast forward to the present day... my karaoke staple is the song "I'll Be There". No matter how many new songs make their way to the top of the karaoke to-do list, that song is always a favorite.

Michael Jackson's legacy for me will always be how he wanted to inspire people to dream, to dance, to sing. Michael's music has shaped my life and made me feel at home. Though his life had shades of tragedy and failure, I still learned one very important thing: No matter what happens in my life...no matter what I go through, I can still do great things.

He will always be my pretend brother.
From one Jackson to another...Thank you.

Your "brother",

David Jackson

Stay Free!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dell, Yours is Here...Sort of...

As a writer I am rarely at a loss for words. After my ordeal with Dell, I found my self temporarily rendered incapable of expressing myself.

I googled "Dell horror stories" before I purchased my laptop. I wanted to see both sides of the Dell experience. After much reading, I rationalized that these were isolated events and that this certainly shouldn't be "par for the course". I'm glad I didn't have any money riding on that sentiment. I'd have lost everything!

Let me give you the breakdown:

May 30 - Ordered my Dell laptop

June 17- Received my Dell laptop after delivery delay

June 17 - Digital TV Tuner Card does not work

June 17 - Called Dell Tech Support 1.5hrs

June 17 - Referred to Dell OnCall for a $150 fee / NO!

June 18 - Online Dell Chat / tuner still not working 1hr

June 18 - New TV card sent over-night

June 18 - Laptop LCD screen goes out

June 18 - More Online Dell Chat 1hr

June 18 - Dell sends new screen to local technician

June 19 - New TV card arrives / does not work

June 22 - Tech shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs

June 22 - Dell states there IS no other kind of screen

June 23 - Automated Dell call stating screen shipped

June 24 - Tech 2 shows up / WRONG SCREEN 2hrs

June 24 - Transferred 6 times to 3 departments

June 25 - Calls to Dell Media Relations not immediately returned


After explaining my preposterous ordeal to a "customer service manager" with Dell, I was offered $80.00 as compensation and they would send a THIRD technician and a THIRD screen to my home to see if they could get this BRAND NEW laptop working. My other option was to do an exchange which would take 10 business days to complete and NO compensation at all. They basically offered me 4.5% compensation for this monumental waste of my time. I proposed 4.5% compensation and the exchange or 11.5% compensation with repair. That was apparently too much to ask for all the terrible technical and customer service I received. Not to mention the "crap in a box" they shipped to me. The Dell representative stated that they would rather not have the 88.5% on the sale with a chance to retain a repeat customer and instead just give me a full refund. A company who would cash in 88.5% and customer retention for 0% sounds like a company on the Bullet Train to extinction. That's just BAD business all around. So, with that, I set up my laptop for a complete refund. I'd rather let piranhas feast on my eyeballs than to put up with Dell Customer Service.

I basically received the laptop equivalent of a whoopi cushion. This whole experience feels like a practical joke! The joke was certainly on me.

I invite you to comment with your Dell customer experiences as well. I plan on sending this information to Dell Media Relations. Perhaps if enough attention is gained we can affect real change.
As always, I am happy to update this story should Dell care to respond with a resolution or additional relevant information.

Stay Free!