Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ten Reasons Why Weiner is a Dick

1.    Showing his penis to 45,000 people on Twitter…

2.    Posing for provocative photos while having photos of family and friends on the table behind him...

3.    "E-cheating" on his relatively NEW wife...

4.    Lying to the world about being hacked, all while having a jackass attitude...

5.    Spending more time naked online than in his own bed…with his WIFE...

6.    Thinking people are all morons who will believe whatever he tells them…

7.    Being too stupid to know the difference between sending his crotch to 1 person or 45,000…

8.    Trying to pass off fake tears as a sign that he is sorry for what he did…

9.    Making penis jokes with reporters…

10.  Thinking it’s somehow “better” that most of his antics were before he was technically married…

The Bottom Line:
This is yet another example of why we need term limits for members of Congress.  It’s too easy to get comfortable in a position of such great power.  Congress members start to behave differently, vote differently, make poor decisions, and abuse their considerable influence for personal gain.  Perhaps if we enact a 4 year term limit, some of these people would reconsider running in the first place; because there would be no endless opportunity to retain power and privilege.  Our current system almost begs abusers and jackasses from all over the U.S. to run for office because of the potential benefits to them personally.  It’s time to pull up the pants on Congress term limits.