Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rear-view Mirror

Does your future look somewhat like your past?

When it comes to recycling, I'm the worlds worst...except, however, when it comes to romantic relationships.  What is it about an old relationship that would make us want to go back to it?  Is it a comfort thing?  I'm afraid for me, the answers are a little hard to come by.  I obviously have something to work through in my own life.  Why else would I continuously find myself going in a backward relationship motion?

I'm a Virgo, so I have a tendency to make everything very black and white.  Well, I'll have no such luck with this topic.  If you are anything like me, and find yourself in a similar situation; start by asking yourself lots of questions.  It's good to start with "why", but get specific with yourself.  Try some of these questions on for size...

Am I a masochist?

Is it the sex?

Is it comfortable?

Do I feel like I made a mistake?

Has anything really changed between us?

Will things be better a second time around?

Why did I leave in the first place?

Do I need counseling?   :-)

These are all great questions and one's that I am currently asking myself.  I know there must be plenty of people out there who find themselves in a similar spot.  Please are not alone!

The Bottom Line:
There are plenty of us hamsters out there just running in place on the big relationship wheel.  The key to evolving past that place in our lives is being willing to ask the tough questions of ourselves.  Once we begin to ask those questions, we will start to look around and realize...

I really AM just running in place!  What the hell?